Pontifex Maximus

by Arnold Gordon

Much has been said about the validity of the comments made in this column concerning the origin and foundation of the Catholic Church which is the origin of Christianity as we know it today. Any learned reader of this column is well aware that the statements made in this column concerning Catholicism are based on recorded history and are available to all readers that would spend some time in the local library. This writer did not originate any information on the Catholic Church. One need only refer to the Catholic Encyclopedia to verify much of what has been written in this column.

To confirm the fact that the Catholic Church has its foundation established from pagan antiquity more than from the Bible teachings of Jesus Christ, one need only to review the source of the title, "Pontifex Maximus", with all of its inferences.

The Oxford English Dictionary establishes the correct definition of the term, "Pontifex Maximus" as follows: "Pontifex 1. Roman Antiquity. A member of the principal college of priests in ancient Rome (Pre-Christian paganism Ed.), the head of which was the Pontifex Maximus or chief pagan priest."

The Catholic Encyclopedia makes my point in its explanation under the title "Pontiff", found on page 549 of the Catholic Encyclopedia, Volumne 11, as follows:


"This term, borrowed from the vocabulary of pagan religion in Rome, early made its way into Christian discourse. Lexicographers derive it, though with clear misgivings, from the Latin words pons (bridge) and facere (to make, build). If this derivation be accepted, it is easy to see how readily it applies to those who build a bridge, make a way for men to God. In any case it designated in Roman religion members of the council of priests (pagan..ed.) forming the "Pontifical College", which ranked as the highest priestly organization at Rome and was presided over by the "Pontifex Maximus".

"It is not clear when it first made its appearance as a designation for Christian religious leaders, or whether Tertullian's ironic use of the designation "Pontifex Maximus" (in his De pudicitia, c. A.D. 220) for a Catholic bishop represents current terminology or not. In the Vulgate Pontifex is used in Hebrews for the Greek a'pxlepev's (chief priest, high priest).

"In present ecclesiastical usage the term "Pontiff" (with its derivatives, "Pontifical" and the verb "Pontificate") is applied to bishops and especially to the Pope. Though we still for the sake of clarity prefix supreme (sovereign) or Roman to the word Pontiff in designating the Pope, it is generally to him that there is reference when we speak of "the Pontiff". End of quote.

In contrast, there is absolutely no basis in the Bible teachings of Jesus Christ and his apostles, to support any such position of ecclesiastical authority in the church founded by Jesus Christ. Apostle Paul made this perfectly clear when he wrote, "For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus; who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time." I Timothy 2:5-6

In light of the above declaration by Apostle Paul, how dare the pagan originated Catholic Church decree that the pagan Bishop of Rome become the virtual Supreme leader and ruler of the Church Jesus Christ founded? This is in direct contradiction of this scripture which is found in the Catholic Duoay-Confraternity New Catholic Version Bible with the "Imprimatur" approval of the Catholic Church, as well as the King James Version of the Holy Bible.

As for Apostle Peter being the first Pope, there is absolutely no independent record in history to prove Apostle Peter was ever recorded as "Pontifex Maximus" or as Pope for that matter. Further, there is no record in history to give any credence to the fact that Apostle Peter ever set foot in Rome as the deceitful Catholic Church continually proclaims, without any basis of history or scripture to support their fraudulent claim.

It is a well known fact that on the Pope's official mitre (headress which is patterned after that worn by pagan Bishops and is a replica of an open fish mouth, the foremost pagan reproductive symbol) is the title "Vicarius Filii Dei," which means "Vicar of the Son of God." There is absolutely no basis for this declaration found in any Bible, Catholic or Protestant. The origination is from ancient pagan religious practice.

God made it clear, he would not share his glory with any other than himself, yet the Catholic Church would have us believe, that a mere human being, taking upon himself, "supreme ecclesiastical authority", over the entire Christian world is the result of the commandment of God. The historical record, as well as the Bible, speaks for itself plainly. Leaders of the Catholic Church still continue to practice an unmitigated fraud against their own members!

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