The cold hard facts

What exactly is a cold anyway? Certainly it’s something we would all like to do without. All those uncomfortable symptoms, and so many of them. How does one even know if it’s really a cold, or something else?

According to Anne Marie Colbin, author of Food and Healing, the common cold is one of the most misunderstood adjustment/discharges known. We view it as a threat — rather than a friend — come to warn us and at the same time set right the misalignments, stresses, and dietary errors in our lives. Nature, above all, is persistent, if we don’t respond to a tap on the shoulder eventually we get a kick in the seat of the pants.

Bernie Siegel MD, nationally known speaker and writer on holistic health, feels those who suffer the usual colds or flu and treat their body with respect and kindness, end up living longer with fewer serious illnesses including cancer, arthritis and other chronic degenerative diseases. Unfortunately the opposite is usually true and we behave miserably towards ourselves when we are sick; yet some sickness is the human condition and unavoidable.

Cold symptoms are many times exacerbated by allergy symptoms when pollen counts are high. To help offset pollens and other irritants being taken into the body, use foods that are less stressful. Try avoiding dairy, highly processed foods and sugar. Use smaller amounts of meat, highly salted foods and fatty foods. Increase your intake of vegetables, especially the green leafy kinds, also carrots, Brussels sprouts, broccoli and cabbage. Dealing with your allergies will reduce the number of colds you have and reduce cold symptoms.

For serious cold prevention, carry zinc lozenges — not tablets — with you at all times. When you’re exposed, or when you first get that nagging tickle or sneeze use zinc lozenges. Zinc stops the replication of viruses that cause colds. If the virus cannot replicate it cannot make you sick.

Serious treatment for colds: Liquid silver, a forerunner to antibiotics, has antibiotic and antiviral properties and none of the nasty side effects. It’s very effective against cold viruses and boosts immunity. Be sure and increase your intake of vitamin C. Hot ginger tea, echinachea, goldenseal and cayenne have shown to help relieve symptoms and shorten the duration on a cold.

Imagine a world without sniveling, drizzling, sneezing, coughing, red eye, all those nasty tissues dripped around the bed; I don’t know, it could be tough. Remember, think zinc, think zinc!

Till next time, Rebecca.