Questions For Christians?

Question 1. Which denomination, organization, sect, group, or cult, follows the teachings of the Holy Bible, without addition, modification, rationalization, or interpretation?

Question 2. Where does the Bible say, God consists of persons, multiple personalities, or multiple natures, instead of consisting of an eternal incorporeal Spirit?

Question 3. Where does the Bible say, Jesus, the corporeal human son of the virgin Mary, was the incarnation of the incorporeal God?

Question 4. Where does the Bible record that Jesus Christ came in anything other than human flesh?

Question 5. Where does the Bible say, Jesus, the son of the virgin Mary pre-existed his own birth in any form, shape, or substance?

Question 6. Where does the Bible refer to Jesus, the human son, of the virgin Mary, as "God, the Son"?

Question 7. Where does the Bible say, Mary gave birth to "God, the son"?, making Mary, the "Mother of God"?

Question 8. Where does the Bible require the followers of Jesus Christ to worship him, the son of man, instead of God, the Creator, a Spirit entity?

Question 9. Where does the Bible say, "The kingdom of heaven is a place with streets of Gold and gates of pearl"?

Question 10. Where does the Bible say, heaven is a place up in the sky, where Christians will live for eternity?

Question 11. Where does the Bible say that Christians that have died are now in heaven with Jesus?

Question 12. Where does the Bible say, anyone can get to a place called heaven, just by accepting Jesus Christ, the son of the virgin, as your saviour?

Question 13. Can anyone be a follower of Jesus and not "deny themselves and take up their cross (exposure to death) and follow Christ"? Matthew 16:24, I Peter 2:21

Question 14. Did not Jesus tell Nicodemus, "Verily, verily, I say unto thee, except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God"? John 3:5

Question 15. Can anyone be a follower of Jesus Christ and not be baptized in water and receive the gift of the Holy Ghost, which is the Spirit of God, the Spirit of Christ? Romans 8:9, Acts 2:38

Question 16. Where does the Bible say, "Jesus died on Friday, the 6th day of the week"?

Question 17. Where does the Bible say, "Jesus resurrected on Sunday, the 1st day of the week"?

Question 18. Where does the Bible say Sunday, the first day of the week was made God's Holy day?

Question 19. Did not Jesus say, he would be in the grave 3 days and 3 nights?

Question 20. If Jesus was in the grave 3 days and 3 nights, would he not have resurrected at the same time of day he entered the grave?

Question 21. Why would Christians celebrate pagan customs such as Easter with pagan rituals, ie.. Easter eggs, Bunny Rabbits, instead of the solemn practices of Passover, as the followers of Jesus Christ did when he died?

Question 22. Why would Christians celebrate other pagan holidays when the Bible expressly forbids these celebrations as abominations to God? Leviticus 18:26-30

Question 23. Where does the Bible say the Gospel (good news) of Jesus Christ was his death, burial, and resurrection?

Question 24. Where does the Bible say Christians are saved by Jesus' "death, burial, and resurrection"?

Question 25. Why do those in Christianity not include the life of Jesus, the son of the virgin Mary as part of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, when the Bible records, "we are saved by his life"? Romans 5:10

Question 26. Where does the Bible say, Jesus death on the cross is the salvation of the sinner, when the Bible records, "we are saved by his life"? Romans 5:10

Question 27. If Jesus' death on the cross saved anyone, would not all be saved, because the Bible says Jesus Christ died for all, including the ungodly? Roman 5:6

There are many more questions I have for Christians concerning teachings promoted in Christianity, which I cannot find any Bible to support. If any reader can give me answers to any of the above questions, please provide them for the benefit of the other readers. I would request all answers submitted be accompanied with the Bible scriptures to support them. Limit all answers to the King James Versions, please.

Last Modified: June 13, 1996

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