The Great Experiment in
Governmental Vacuum
If it is not a law of fluid
mechanics it is of politics.
ÒNature abhors a vacuum,Ó and it may be and often has been restated,
Òpolitical power abhors a vacuum.Ó
Having created a political vacuum by reducing the clout and public
spiritedness of government in Washington, D. C. through deregulation, we have
also gotten vacuous government.
Based upon the belief that government was part of the problem and not
part of the solution, we have now arrived at a circumstance where private
centers of power-- corporations and other special interests-- have rushed in to
fill the space vacated by the American people on the advice of the party which
likes government least, the Republicans. Emptied of its democratic substance,
the shell of government has been turned over to the corporate elites. Believe me, the consequences are far
worse than the overflowing cuspidors and footprints on the furniture, which celebrated
Andrew JacksonÕs ascendancy to the Presidency in the nineteenth century and the
arrival of the beginnings of democracy.
People can be patriotic. Corporations cannot. They cannot
because they worship the Òbottom line.Ó
By chasing cheap, cheap labor overseas, they think they are merely being
profitable, not disloyal to their country. Oh, they will tell you that they have loyalty to their
stockholders. But apparently this is only loyalty to them as stockholders,
not loyalty to them as citizens.
Ultimately, the corporations are disloyal because they donÕt have a
country: they are stateless. You see, the problem is this. The numbers that are employed to
measure profits (and that serve as the grist of the bottom line) do not have
ethical properties. They provide no ethical, moral or patriotic guidance. If the profit is large enough, it is
understood to be a ÒgoodÓ number as opposed to a bad number—and that is
as close as numbers get to possessing ethical properties. So when plants are closed in Galesburg,
or any other place, in behalf of a better bottom line and sent to China, it is
done to produce ÒgoodÓ numbers. It
becomes a Ògood thingÓ that you have lost your job and canÕt pay your rent, or
mortgage, or buy your groceries, or afford your gasoline, according to this
perspective. It is further ÒgoodÓ that our capacity for manufacture has been
dismantled in favor of the growth of the capacity of the Chinese to do it for
us. Is your mind spinning yet? Are
you furious yet? Lord, help us if we ever face a crisis with the Chinese. CanÕt you hear us now? ÒWould you mind
sending some of the weapons you manufacture so that we may fire them at
you? We will be happy to pay you
cost plus twenty percent.Ó Lots of
We got ourselves into this fix by
subscribing to a myth. The myth is
that weak government is a good thing.
It comes from that famous Jeffersonian remark, Òthat government is best
which governs least.Ó So we have a
FEMA which does not work (it used to), and we have an under staffed and under
provisioned military (even as good as they are), and a fix for this problem
which we refuse to put in place. The fix or solution is committed, accountable,
responsible, unapologetic government, but we refuse to put it in place because
it flies in the face of one of our favorite myths. We got here by equating safe government with weak
government, and we usually did this by confusing both with ÒsmallÓ government,
perhaps elusive in our time.
But instead of giving us that elusive good thing we were searching for,
it brought us colossal un-accountability, because it abandoned the democratic
institutions of government to private centers of economic power—we placed
government exclusively in the service of corporate America and by doing so, we
denied its protections and benefits to the American people. Truth and error grappled, and error