Spring Fever?


Oh glorious spring. Nothing quite matches the delicious warmth of the springtime sun, mild temperatures and cooler nights without the high humidity all too familiar to midwestern summers. Yet many chronically complain of fatigue during the springtime months unable to enjoy the natural beauty of the season. ItÕs a common complaint.

There are many superstitious beliefs about sudden spring illnesses but no one knows for sure the exact cause of spring fever. Past generations blamed the sudden change in the weather or catching a chill. Others swore the phases of the moon were the cause or the direction in which your bed faced.

Superstitious or not it seems spring fever can strike just about anyone at any age with varying symptoms. The farmer stressed to get the crop in develops a bleeding ulcer, others might find their psoriasis flaring up for no good reason, teenagers may find their face suddenly broken out.  Most simply complain of being tired, fatigued and irritable.

There actually is an answer and it is actually much simpler than one might think. Just as mother earth is in transition from sleep mode our bodies are busy shifting gears as well. Each spring the body cleans house. Outdoor exercise, gardening, just opening the window to the outdoors sends oxygen rich blood to the liver stimulating it to cleanse winterÕs fats. These shifts in the internal organs takes a great deal of energy leaving less energy for work, play and sound sleep, therefore leaving us more open to illness.

You can speed this transition and boost your energy by eating a lighter diet of less dense foods such as meats, dairy and fats. The green foods of spring are your best choice. Asparagus is a wonderful cleanser for the kidneys, dark leafy greens, chinese cabbage, and lighter soups made with vegetable stock will stimulate internal organ energy and lift feelings of fatigue.

If you are looking to lose weight this spring, your best chance to lose that weight and keep it off is by eating naturally with all the seasons. Seasonal eating increases your deeper internal organ energy and your metabolism therefore burning more calories. Conventional diet foods such as salads, or no cal sodas always leave you feeling hungry. Nutrient-dense whole grains are not fattening and are the one food that should be found in the diet year round.

Poor immunity is always part of the picture when it comes to a bout of spring fever. Rotating the diet from the heavier foods of winter is a sure way to lighten the load on your immune system and build a bank of resistance against illness.

If you have long-standing serious health problems, food alone may not be enough to end your bouts with spring fever. But, we are what we eat and we do have control over what and how much we eat. ItÕs never too late to start.

Till next time, Rebecca