The fact that the holidays are over, weÕre all back to the humdrum of daily routines and weÕre still facing two very solid months of winter can seem depressing to even the most light hearted. Unfortunately there are those who will slip into a more serious depression during this time of year, in fact if truthful with themselves they are somewhat depressed year round but manage their symptoms well until the darker colder days of winter set in. Whatever the reason for the depression understanding and relieving the cause will ease the symptoms.


Most do not care if they understand the definition of depression; they just beg it to be gone. Ordinary depression, a sad or down mood usually caused by everyday stress is not something out of the norm. Your human, itÕs to be expected. When the body, psyche, or spirit is not given the time or tools to readjust, the mounting pressures of everyday life can trigger a more deep-seated problem. What first triggers a more serious depression in a person can vary greatly as there are many causes. Some of the more common causes are serious physical disorders, chronic disease, thyroid disorders, endometriosis and allergies. 


We all have our dark days, and times when we feel depressed due to death, illness, divorce or other losses we may experience. Some of the symptoms of depression include chronic fatigue, insomnia, excessive sleep, loss of appetite or eating to fill a void, headache, feelings of worthlessness and inadequacy, inability to focus or maintain daily schedules and routines. If you find that your weeks slipping by, and you just canÕt cope, itÕs time to seek professional help.


Seeking professional counseling is always wise if you have resorted to medications to manage your mood. Other natural alternatives can be added to your regime that in the long run will help you banish your dark mood for good. Many physicians choose to use the newer antidepressant medications on the market, they do work to relieve symptoms- then it is up to you to resolve the issues that are the real driver of your depression.


A close look at the diet is always a good place to start. If we want to enhance the brainsÕ ability to carry neurotransmitted messages we need to literally eat brain food. Complex carbohydrates and high quality proteins raise the levels of neurotransmitters available and have a calming affect on the brain. Consume more carbohydrates than protein if you are nervous and need to calm down, eat more proteins than carbohydrates if you are tired and need to feel more alert. Beware of sugar highs, fatigue and more depression will quickly accompany their intake.


Other useful tips and tools:

á     Exercise, exercise, exercise!

á     Stick with your routine, but allow for more short breaks or even power naps.

á     Get a massage, no armoring can withstand the power of touch

á     Bolster up friendships

á     Resolve any past issues of anger or resentment

á     Dump the junk food

á     B vitamins are extremely important in treatment of depression

Normal ups and downs happen to everyone, but if your mood turns to one of depression you have nothing to feel shameful or guilty about. Help is available; itÕs up to you to reach out. Till next time, Rebecca.

