Who created the mess?
As the election
draws closer I must admit to a feeling of sadness. Why? The process of
I make my living as
a writer for organized labor, a group with an agenda no doubt. However, they
pay me well to basically read and understand what I read. Thank you, Costa High
School, Carl Sandburg College and Knox College. So with sadness I must report I
am amazed at the level of deliberate misinformation. Seriously folks, and it’s
not ‘equal,’ as in both sides practice this despicable method. The incredibly
huge sums of money the Republicans are spending this election cycle doesn’t
concern me in the slightest. What does concern me is the level of factual
A difference of
opinion as to how to run the country, what direction to take the country,
foreign policy, domestic policy, etc. is welcomed. But they are not arguing
ideas. They are arguing personalities. It is so well known what Rep. Phil Hare
was referring to when he said on tape he “didn’t care about the Constitution,”
yet a television ad would have the viewer believe he was making a general
statement about his feelings on the Constitution. Is that winning the argument,
or stacking the deck?
I’ve noticed
something else that skews the whole debate. When a Democrat attacks the factual
basis for a Republican claim, that somehow makes the Democrat an “elitist.” The
Republican will attack the Democrat’s personality, not their factual basis, but
since no one wants more crime, or more bureaucracy, or more taxes or more – Joe
or Jane Average will tend to agree. Clever marketing.
This election truly
comes down to one simple question. If you did well economically or believe
strongly in the policies put in place under President George W. Bush and the
Republican-controlled Congress, then of course vote for the Republicans. If you
did not do well economically from 2001 forward, or lost your house, or lost
your job, or your small business, or ??? Then you must question the wisdom of
your choice. If you live on the loser side of the economic equation, then why
would you vote to put those same people back in power who essentially created
the mess we’re in now? Their tax cut policies didn’t work then or else the
United States wouldn’t be in the economic mess it is, so why would those same
policies work now?
Chris Stevens
Smaller government?
What does “smaller
government and less spending” really mean?
When anyone running
for political office says they want “smaller government and less spending,”
what they really mean is they intend to hurt the poor in America. They intend
to cut important programs to the poor people. It’s the same way in the state
government as the federal government.
If you are someone poor, don’t vote for
a candidate that says that.
John Collopy
Why the anger?
A recent issue of
Newsweek magazine ran an article on why 40-50 percent of Americans are angry
and want to “take back their country.” The writers interviewed sociologists,
political scientists and experienced politicians. The general consensus can be
stated in one sentence. Americans are angry about the economy. Many are
laid-off or have family that are out of work. Many are working two or three
part time jobs but falling behind on bills, mortgages, and medical expenses.
All of this is suffered in the surrealistic setting of Wall Street bailout
recipients that now enjoy high salaries and rich bonuses.
Income inequality
in America has broken a record for the greatest difference between upper
management income and worker income. During the Great Depression the inequality
was 15:1. It’s now 300:1. Is there little wonder that the middle class is
angry? Layoffs are common; jobs are scarce.
So, why has this
anger over the economy and income inequality taken a strange detour to
peripheral issues that have little to do with the plight of the angry?
Deficits, gun rights, health care reform, government spending, taxes, and
government intervention are the new focus of the “madder than hell” public. All
of which have changed little in the past ten years with the exception of health
care reform which won’t kick-in until 2014. “Taking back their country” is the
most popular cheer of this angry group, and what that means escapes me; they
avoid explanation as vehemently as they would sipping skunk oil. The causes of
high underemployment and falling income are wiped from their memory. Forgotten
is the perpetrator; the Bush administration, that lowered taxes for the wealthy
twice, started two unending wars, deregulated banking, the investment industry
and home mortgage business. Many of these angry people are now unfairly blaming
the recession on the current President; even the TARP bailout of banks, which
was pushed through Congress by the Bush Administration months before Obama was
The most
interesting conclusion of the Newsweek story is that angry Americans are oblivious
to facts, evidence, and economic realities. Instead their anger is further
inflamed by the telling of truths. They believe what they want to believe and
facts are fuel for more anger. This is not a climate that democracy survives
in. Democracy can exist only as long as a majority of the people are informed,
open-minded, and use modest amounts of intelligence when voting. American has
regressed in the last decade, and it’s not the fault of George W. Bush, George
Ryan, and Rod Blagojevich The fault lies with a political system they and those
like them created. The ultimate fault belongs to voters who support
sub-standard and corrupt politicians.
Ralph Ginn
Bordner for judge
I am writing to
address letters to the editor written by Jerry Abbott and Lola Walters. In
these letters, Mr. Abbott and Ms. Walters attacked Judge Steven R. Bordner with
false representations about his statements in and out of the courtroom. I
served as opposing counsel in the case Mr. Abbott and Ms. Walters refer to in
their letters and was present at the courtroom exchanges of which they
complain. Mr. Abbott’s representations about the nature of his involvement in
the case and the occurrences in Judge Bordner’s courtroom are inaccurate, as
are Ms. Walters’ fabrications about Judge Bordner “put[ting] a piece in the
paper saying he didn’t need Fulton County. He was leaving.” Before the voters
of the Ninth Circuit put any stock in what these two individuals say, they
should consider their motives and biases.
I represented the
sister of Mr. Abbott and Ms. Walters in Fulton County Case Number 00-CH-60,
which is available for public inspection by anyone who wishes to examine the
real facts of the case that these two litigants are still smarting over years
later. The three siblings were co--trustees of their late mother’s trust. After
the sale of a house in Fulton County, Mr. Abbott and Ms. Walters moved their
mother’s funds to Texas and attempted to hide these assets from their sister.
Both of them went through several attorneys before the case concluded, and
engaged in conduct designed to delay proceedings and obstruct discovery.
At no time during
the hearing in question did Judge Bordner state that because Mr. Abbott “no
longer lived in Fulton County, the law applied to [him] differently and [Mr.
Abbott] was not entitled to equal treatment.” No judge would ever say anything
of this nature. This representation by Mr. Abbott is patently untrue. Mr.
Abbott had been sanctioned by Judge Bordner for failure to provide my client
and I with information and documentation to which we were entitled. Mr.
Abbott’s attorney then withdrew from representing him due to his
non-cooperation, and Mr. Abbott received a reasonable amount of time to obtain
a new attorney. At this point, Mr. Abbott had gone through two different
attorneys and delayed the case by several months. He went through two more
attorneys thereafter before the case was settled. Mr. Abbott conveniently omits
from his letter the fact that the settlement was not a function of some
magnanimous gesture on his part, but rather a reaction to Judge Bordner issuing
an injunction prohibiting Mr. Abbott from selling a piece of real estate he was
holding in his own name in Texas which rightly belonged to his mother’s trust.
Judge Bordner’s
willingness to enforce the law and make difficult decisions that might not be
popular with litigants are among his strong points. Mr. Abbott endorses James
Harrell because he supposedly will “make Fulton County ... the friendly and
respectful place it is.” “Friendly” is a fine trait for a kindergarten teacher
or a social worker. The truth is that an effective judge – one who is deciding
difficult cases, administering the courts, and controlling a docket filled with
parties who sometimes do not want the wheels of justice to turn – must be made
of sterner mettle than someone whose strongest trait is “friendliness.”
When you go to the
polls next month, I encourage you to vote for Judge Bordner. Ask yourself
whether you would prefer a judge who has proven himself to be effective in
difficult situations or one who is recommended to you by individuals who
demonstrated themselves to be dishonest and obstructionist litigants. As an
attorney practicing law in Judge Bordner’s courtroom for the past 15 years, I
can unequivocally state that Judge Bordner’s demeanor is consistent and
appropriate for the unique circumstances of each case. I urge you to vote for
Judge Bordner when you go to the polls.
Andrewe W. Johnson
Hallam for Recorder
As a former Knox
County Recorder of 13 years, retiring in 2008, I endorse Carol Anell Hallam to
be the next Knox County Recorder of Deeds. Carol has been a dedicated employee
in the Recorder’s Office for the last 20 years, 15 of which as the Chief Deputy
Recorder. No candidate comes close to having the knowledge and expertise in
running the office as efficiently or effectively as Carol.
I am not alone in
thinking that Carol Anell Hallam is more than qualified in being the Knox
County Recorder. When the former Recorder resigned from the office in April of
this year, the Knox County Board appointed Carol as the Interim Recorder until
which time as the Democratic Party could nominate a successor. During that time
period, personnel decisions had to be made, a budget for the next fiscal year
prepared as well as management of the day to day activities. To point out
Carol’s dedication to her job and the office, she cut her vacation short when
the issues with the former Recorder became public. She made sure that she was
back in the office the following day so that there would be no interruption of
service. That is dedication which you simply do not find today.
There has been talk
recently of whether or not the Knox County Recorder of Deeds is a necessary
position. The Recorder’s office is responsible for receiving and indexing all
records pertaining to real estate in Knox County. Those records consist of
Deeds, Mortgages, Easements, Plats, Surveys, Releases, Mechanics Liens and
State or Federal Tax Liens, to mention a few. If those items are not indexed or
properly maintained, then there is no way to prove ownership of real estate,
encumbrances, security interests and/or dimensions or lot sizes of parcels of land
for example. Considering that the office has generated just shy of $500,000
annually in gross revenue for the county over the last 3 years, does saving a
few thousand dollars by eliminating the position make sense? I doubt that even
the County Board would expect the County Clerk to take on additional
responsibilities without additional compensation, thereby eliminating any
Having worked with
Carol for 18 of the 20 years she has been in the office, I personally know that
she will continue the integrity of the office and of the records. Your vote for
Carol Anell Hallam is appreciated.
Nancy J. McCune
Retired Knox County Recorder
Intelligent women
Dear Box:
An edition or two
ago of The Zephyr, Barbara Schock wrote to Box One to share her belief the
State of Illinois and those who govern it deserve credit. In contrast to the
editorial and opposition carping, progress is being made in rehabilitating the
state’s infrastructure and the restoration of public buildings, specifically
the Capitol.
In his ignorance,
Tim May sneered at Mrs. Schock’s observations. Of course, like Mrs. May, Mrs.
Schock cares not a whit for Tim May’s opinions.
In part, his
churlish remarks were in reaction to my expressions of sympathy for the
long-suffering Mrs. May, to whom Tim owes so much for his comfort. Unless
goaded, he is loathe to admit his debt.
In addition to his
resentment at being reminded of his obligation to his wife, Tim, like so many
aging white men, is made uncomfortable by intelligent women like Speaker of the
House Nancy Pelosi. Before Speaker Pelosi ran for public office at age
forty-seven, she raised five children. They were all adults before she put her
name on the ballot. In spite of a relatively late start, she has succeeded
spectacularly. White men of advanced years, like Tim, regard her
accomplishments as a reproach to their own less-than-stellar achievements.
To be sure, it need
not be someone so prominent as Speaker Pelosi to cause Tim to feel inadequate.
Intelligent women like Mrs. Schock and Judith Squires have much the same effect
on him.
Christian Schock
Fired from job
I want to thank my
grandson’s boss for the lousy treatment she gave him. He lost his younger
brother and his grandmother who he dearly loved in a three week time period,
and she fired him from a job that he really loved helping people who need help.
I just hope she can sleep at night.
I see that Phil
Hare was in town to ask for union workers’ help. What he failed to mention was
the millions of dollars he helped the Quad Cities get to get Amtrak in the Quad
Cities. Isn’t that going to hurt the unions in lost jobs in Galesburg?
Jim Harrison
Paper products needed
This Saturday is
official “Make a Difference Day,” and the Galesburg Altrusa Club will partner
with Main Street Hy-Vee to celebrate the occasion. The Altrusa membership was
surprised to learn that paper goods, such as toilet paper, diapers, and
feminine products, are not eligible for purchase with government assistance
cards. They are challenging anyone who shops for these products to Fill the
Truck and Make a Difference.
Altrusa members
will accept paper product donations Saturday from 9am to 1pm at the Main Street
Hy-Vee. The supplies will be loaded into a waiting pick-up truck for delivery
to FISH. They will then be distributed to area families in need.
Toilet paper,
kleenex, diapers, and feminine products may not be eligible for purchase with
food stamps, but they are certainly necessary. We hope providing these items
will make life a little easier for some area residents.
The Altrusa Club
regularly provides assistance to Galesburg-area charities, including
scholarships, library and literacy projects, and food and shelter providers.
Sheryl Nyman
Altrusa service committee chairperson
Extreme leftists
I have covered this
before, but must reiterate. Barack and Michelle Obama could not have sat
together in the same pew in Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s “church” for 1,040 Sundays
(20 years) without a lot of it sinking in. His anti-American, anti-white, hate
filled rants must have reinforced some of their own beliefs.
He and leading
extreme leftists of his ilk, Pelosi, Boxer, Durbin, et al are in a panic mode.
They realize the voters are in a more realistic mood than in November, 2008. I
can’t wait for the shake up in the House, Senate and especially governorships
voters wake up to on November 3, 2010.
As for Kingston,
Iowa, I know there was no “cab” station in that village of 90 (less now). My
handwriting leaves much to be desired. My “gas” must have looked like a “cab.”
Larry Anderson
State pension funding
I decided it was
time someone stepped forward with the truth about the theft of the Illinois
State Pension Funds once and for all!
The State of
Illinois has not matched the 8 percent pensioners had
deducted from their paychecks each month since 1973! When people work
for the state, we don’t pay into Social Security; unless she/he previously
worked in the private sector. Some of us after working for thirty (30) years
and then retire will or can live modestly on their pension. Some pensioners may
decide to work part-time after retirement at something they enjoy doing, if
they can find a job with a 10 percent unemployment rate.
Several articles
have been written with regard to the state of the pension funds by Doug Finke,
who writes for the State Journal-Register, an article on August 26, 2010 titled
“State pension systems planning to sell assets to pay benefits ... “; Dennis
Byrne, who writes for the Chicago Tribune, a Commentary on August 10,2010
titled “Pension check may not be in the mail... “; and Ralph Martire, Executive
Director for the Center for Tax and Accountability, wrote an article in the
State Journal--Register on August 11, 2010 titled “Pension debt a symptom of
state’s problem – not cause.”
First of all, the
money in the pension funds does not belong to the State of Illinois; it belongs to those
employees/retirees who had 8 percent deducted from their paychecks each month!
Contrary to what Mr. Byrne would like for you to believe, the Illinois State
Constitution protects those pension funds by law! The Sidley opinion (which is
an opinion only – not law) that Mr. Byrne writes about in his commentary in the
Chicago Tribune with regard to the wording that “the State can become a
‘guarantor’ only under section 212-403 of the Illinois Pension Code.” Mr. Byrne
calls the theft of the pension funds a “dark political tale,” borrowing,
self-deception and lies. Mr. R. Eden Martin, President of the Civic Committee
of the Commercial Club of Chicago (?), mentioned in the Commentary article,
thinks everyone will have to sacrifice if we are to climb out of this nightmare
with regard to the pension funds. Excuse me, we the pensioners
did not create this problem! The article written by Ralph Martire made it
perfectly clear that the pension fund money was being diverted and not
deposited into the pension fund accounts. It is those legislators who diverted
this money from the pension fund who should be sacrificing if we are to get out
of this nightmare. You don’t reward bad behavior. I am thoroughly disgusted
with the State of Illinois governing body. To date, the State of Illinois now
owes the pension funds approximately $160 Billion. The amount continues to
climb higher and higher!
Gentlemen, let me
be perfectly clear with regard to being a voter and a taxpayer – First, I did
not ask for a “guarantor” over my financial affairs regarding my pension since
I am not senile; Second, I do not want my pension fund put into a 401K so it
can be embezzled from me like the people at Enron who lost their life savings;
Third, the State of Illinois governor, legislators, etc. should be communicating
directly with the pensioners. To be perfectly blunt, I did not give my permission to have any
of my pension fund diverted for any other purpose other than my pension. I hope
the perpetrators who defrauded and looted my pension fund are embarrassed by my
It doesn’t matter
how you slice and dice this entire matter of fraud and larceny – it is still Theft of Our Pension
Funds! It is obvious that our not so honest politicians want to live in
the lifestyle they are accustomed to at our expense. The looters of the pension
funds should take up residency in prison along with former Governor George
Lynda Long-Fainter, Member Retiree
State University Retirement System
Rock Island
Socialistic government
To Lynn McKeown I
would say thank you in your left handed way of explaining my point of our
country being raped. This is very typical of some people to choose a word
someone has used and attempt to give it the worst possible spin. The real truth
is, as long as there are people that will seek out a racial attack in every
word spoken, then the racial aspect can never be allowed to die. Black people
will always feel put upon, and white people will always be afraid of saying what
they think for fear of being called a racist. I share my ideas openly with
several black friends and they talk openly with me. Every one of them were
amazed at the attack by Judith Squires on me. They all agreed it was very thin
minded attacks meant only to denigrate me, and that it had backfired sadly as
far as they were concerned. Lynn, I never have denied being stupid so save your
As I watch this
President Obama it seems to me that as time goes by he becomes more and more
desperate. He has proven as he has bungled along attempting to run this country
that he is an educated person that has gotten in over his head. People that
love him are still singing his praises about how charismatic, good looking and
intelligent he is. They always leave out how arrogant and supercilious he is.
Something for
nothing has always generated a certain amount of interest among any group of
people you present it to. As the something for nothing scheme unfolds and the
real price emerges people will tend to back away. It usually becomes clear that
if it sounds too good to be true, it usually is too good to be true. Well let’s
face it, President Obama’s whole campaign was run on giving us something for
nothing. There are those who still cling to this hope as is evident by all the
polls taken lately.
The sad part to me
is the willingness of Democrats to accept this socialistic approach to
government knowing full well it is not what this great country was founded on.
They appear to support this approach only because it won them big in the one
election year with Obama. Now look at how they are turning their back on Obama
simply because they are willing to support whichever way the wind chooses to
blow. Free stuff has become much less important, people realize it is much more
lasting to work for and earn what they want. What really hurts is the more than
large amounts of money President Obama has been allowed to manipulate.
Manipulate rather than spend because billions of dollars of that first stimulus
money is still lying unspent, well unspent as far as we the public knows.
This has been a
real nice week for me, we spent the weekend in a Sheraton Inn in Augusta,
Georgia and it was pretty nice. The rooms were nice and the coffee was pricy
but all in all it was a nice stay. Another grandson, not the one that got
married last week, was the lead actor in a play and of course we had to be
there. It showed many times, so we went to the last showing. Generally all the
actors are more relaxed by then and tend to adlib a little; it is usually the
best performance.
What I started out
to say was how this old age thing seems to be sneaking up on me. It seems that
on an escalating schedule it hits me that I am sliding ever more rapidly down
the back side of the proverbial hill. Simple things like driving for a few
hours seem to wear me out. This trip I tried one of those energy drinks, I may
as well drank a glass of warm milk. Anyway, I refuse to stop, not to sound
pompous; I hired a personal trainer a few months back. This has been the only
thing that has helped a little. My energy level is a little better and my
strength has come a long way; but alas, the aging process is still advancing
upon me. Please wish me luck with it as I will do the same for you.
Tim May
Cherryville, N.C.
Foreclosed and homeless
“Every gun that is
made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense,
a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and not
clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the
sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its
I know what you are
thinking – what dirty, but rotten godless socialistic liberal scumbag said
this? Well, it was the champion of conservatives across the land, General
Dwight D. Eisenhower on April 16, 1953 before the American Society of Newspaper
Editors. Read that quote again; after all, President Eisenhower’s
administration was during America’s Golden Years. Does today’s Tea Party rhetoric
match these words?
In 2009,
unemployment for the age bracket 16-24 year-olds was 19 percent, for the prime
working years of 25-44 it was 19.7 percent. The highest figures since the
Bureau of Labor Statistics began tracking data in 1948. The Stimulus Fund was
originally designed to go toward infrastructure improvements exclusively.
Thanks to Republican obstructionism, only a portion did, hence robbing jobs
from you.
In “U.S.
Foreclosures May Rise to 3 Million This Year,” Jan 14, 2010 by Dan Levy, we see
the free fall of the housing industry. Be thankful, Iowa’s Ted Miller is
launching a nationwide investigation of robo foreclosures. The (Republican)
1994 Contract with America, created restrictions for legal assistance during
foreclosures, Legal Services Corporation was banned from bringing class-action
suits and prohibited from suing for attorney fees, allowing big banks to run
appeal after appeal completely bankrupting claimants. According to the National
Center on Family Homelessness, an estimated 1.5 million children are homeless
in America, which is one out of five. With regret, Republicans and a portion of
Democrats continue to support Big Business’ interest over the American citizen.
The Fair Elections Now Act, H.R. 1826, would eliminate corporate funding in
elections, preventing this.
Think before you
vote, do you want the conservatism of Eisenhower, now represented by the
Democrats, or do you want the Tea Party libertarianism of the Koch brothers,
where wealth is righteous and death becomes the poor?
Anthony J. Gerst
Wapello, Iowa
National debt abyss
Our government is
going to provide us with a golden opportunity to payoff our credit card debt
with pennies on the dollar. With the federal budget deficit now running in
excess of $1.5 trillion this year and increasing, the Obama administration’s
own 10 year budget plan predicts that the national debt of the U.S. will exceed
$25 trillion in 2019. This year the interest on our national debt will be about
$400 billion. By using simple math, the interest expense in 2019 on our
national debt of $25 trillion at an interest rate of 12 percent will grow to
$3.0 trillion. Interest rates will dramatically increase following rating
agencies downgrade of our sovereign debt to a junk rating.
At some total debt
level (the debt abyss) a tipping point will occur when our government can no
longer pay the interest which will cause the debt bomb to explode. You will not
have to wait until 2019 for our sovereign debt default. The Federal Reserve is
now being forced to partially fund our budget deficit using a scheme called
quantitative easing (QE) which is a politically correct way to describe,
“Creating Money Out Of Thin Air.” For example, QE was recently used to create
$1.3 trillion to buy mortgage backed securities from banks.
With QE, inflation
will gradually build up to a crescendo. The result is a crack-up boom when
people realize the dollar is crashing and will frantically spend all their
paper money in an attempt to exchange it for something of value. When that
happens, credit cards can be paid off with 154 pre-1982 pennies per pound of
copper that were accumulated long before the dollar collapse.
Robert A. Dahlquist
Orange, Calif.
Right to repair
The Engine Repower
Council strongly supports the Motor Vehicle Owners’ Right to Repair Act (S
3181/HR 2057) to protect each motorist’s right to patronize the auto repair
facility of their choice.
The Right to Repair
Act simply ensures that vehicle owners and their trusted repair shops have
access to all the information necessary to accurately repair, repower or
reprogram today’s modern vehicles. Without complete access to critical safety
and repair information, motorists will be forced back to the dealer for
service, which may not be convenient or easily accessible to the car owner.
Right to Repair would not require car manufacturers to disclose their trade
secrets and would not affect the dealer’s warranty agreement.
Engine repowering
is an excellent option for many motorists because it extends the life of a
vehicle and is good for the environment and the pocketbook. The Right to Repair
Act fosters a competitive automotive repair industry where car owners, not car
companies, decide who repowers or repairs their vehicles.
The Right to Repair
Act has growing bipartisan support in both chambers of Congress. Please send a
letter urging your members of Congress to support the Right to Repair Act by
visiting www.righttorepair.org.
Ken Carter, Chairman
Engine Repower Council
Bethesda, Md.
Pull the plug on Granny?
With prospects of a
Republican takeover of Congress, Libertarian Party (LP) Chair Mark Hinkle posed
this question: “In order to balance the budget, where will the GOP pull the
plug first: on Granny, or on foreign wars?”
Hinkle continued,
“Of course, Republicans may have no serious intention of cutting federal
deficits or spending, and their complaints about ‘out-of-control spending’
might be hypocrisy.”
Over 60 percent of
federal spending is in three areas: Social Security, Medicare/Medicaid, and the
military. It would be impossible to eliminate the federal deficit without
cutting entitlements or military spending, such as the wars in Iraq and
Tea Party leader
Dick Armey recently called Social Security a ponzi scheme.
Social Security is
universal mandatory welfare for seniors. It’s very un-libertarian.
I suppose one way
to maintain the Social Security scheme would be to rapidly grow the U.S.
working population, such as by opening up our borders to increase immigration.
However, Republican congressmen have tried to duck their responsibility for the
bad economy by scapegoating illegal immigrants, so allowing a massive influx of
immigrants is politically infeasible in the near future.
Each child born in
the U.S. immediately faces a debt of over $40,000. Ironically, it might not be
long before American youth start ditching this debt foisted on them by their
parents and grandparents, and start leaving America in search of better
opportunity abroad.
To make Social
Security solvent as our population ages, the federal government either has to
raise the tax, or cut the benefits. The last significant change to Social
Security was a tax increase approved by Ronald Reagan. Libertarians favor
cutting Social Security benefits, and we oppose tax increases. Libertarians
would prefer to allow workers to opt out of Social Security. Perhaps
entitlements can be cut gradually, rather than slashed abruptly, but that
depends on taking action sooner rather than later.
On the October 17
‘Fox News Sunday,’ I saw that Republican Senate candidate Cady Fiorina was
repeatedly asked what parts of entitlements she would cut to balance the
budget, and she repeatedly dodged the question.
The recent
Republican ‘Pledge to America’ makes no mention of cutting entitlements or the
Republicans refuse
to say where they would cut entitlement spending, and of course Republicans
oppose cutting military spending or ending America’s foreign wars. Therefore,
I’d say that Republicans are hypocrites who aren’t serious about solving the
federal debt problem.
A video lampooning
John Boehner and the Republican ‘Pledge to America’ was created by Travis
Irvine, Libertarian for U.S. Congress in Ohio District 12.
Only Libertarians
recognize that we can’t have it all for much longer. The longer Republicans and
Democrats flush money down the toilet in Iraq and Afghanistan, the sooner the
government will have to cut benefits for Granny. Of course, Congress may never
have the courage to pass legislation to cut entitlements. In that scenario,
Granny will eventually start experiencing ‘rolling blackouts,’ or perhaps a
total system collapse.
Libertarians stand
ready to cut spending across the board. Perhaps the question Granny needs to
answer is, ‘Which do you love more: your Social Security check, or foreign
Wes Benedict, Exec. Director
Libertarian Party
Washington, D.C.
a country built on the principles of “government of the people, by the people,
and for the people” how can what the people want be unconstitutional?
do 300 million people allow a handful of politicians and judges to take away
their “unalienable rights?”
can 9 people in the Supreme Court dictate to 300 million people?
has to happen for the people to stand up and say “enough is enough?”
you can decide what is “enough” and what to do about it.
American’s Manifesto:
time for thoughts and words to turn into action, I don’t like the direction
this country is going. It has gotten to this point by way of politicians who
claim to have character and integrity. Though I’m no politician and have
neither character nor integrity, j do seem to have some traits in common with
them. I’ve told lies, lusted after money, women, and all that is ungodly.
(Forgiveness is there for the asking; as I have done.)
believe the Government is too powerful. Yet with all it’s power, you are not
safe in your own home, Their lackluster attempt to protect the people from
crime is a mockery to common sense. They complicate issues with their pompous
agendas and you and I pick up the check, They concern themselves with
reelection and cast their vote accordingly. What they have done to our
constitution is reprehensible and generations of Americans (your children,
grandchildren, great grandchildren, etc.) will struggle to repair the damage,
if it can be repaired.
Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people, it
is an instrument for the people to restrain the government – Iest it come to
dominate our lives and interests. “ – Patrick Henry
believe taking powers away from the Federal Government and giving them back to
the States is a simple solution. Allowing the States to govern themselves on
many of today’s issues, without interference from the supreme court, would make
political corruption, lobbyist and special interest groups more transparent.
But, without involvement by the people our problems will continue, If “We The
People” don’t hold our leaders accountable, then we don’t have anyone to blame
but ourselves, The silence and inaction of good people is the greatest
impediment to justice.
who prosper by way of corruption will certainly be opposed to any change. Greed
has imbedded itself into the American way, and contempt for right and wrong has
truly believe that nothing I say will matter. Ultimately, I am insignificant.
My opinions are immaterial and my life is inconsequential. So Jet me be perfectly
clear: I do not condone violence but will not condemn it in the name of
freedom. Whether you are a public servant or part of some private enterprise,
legal or illegal, which engages in activity counterproductive to society, you
are the enemy of the people. Other than my freedom j have nothing to lose, I
pray everyday that I have the strength to stay the course. Only time will tell.
can’t stop us on the road to freedom. You can’t keep us ‘cause our eyes can
see.” – Van Morrison
are the enemies of the people? Who conspires to take away our unalienable
rights? I tell you it is those who legislate the law, those who interpret the
law, and those who enforce the law.
you who enforce, I plead with you, you who
protect and serve. Serve not a constitution that has the stench of corruption.
Protect not those who profit from their legislation or their interpretation.
Don’t let your loyalties be misguided. Let the will of the people be your
beacon. Let the spirit of freedom guide your conscience, People are the reason.
would you protect those who strive to better themselves on the backs of the
people – those pompous few who
care not about you and yours, only them and theirs? Who is it that pays the
ultimate price for their narcissistic ways? And in thanks they give you Dress
Blues, Low-Flying Flags. Bagpipes playing ”Amazing Grace,” and Twenty-One Gun
won’t you stand, instead, for the people? Why, I ask, would you give so much,
for so few, to have so much? A transformation is needed now. This is not
debatable. You, who carry weapons and protect a system that doesn’t work: Know
that time is not on your side. With you in support of the people conflict can
be avoided. Without you I dare not think.
those of you who interpret the law, when
the will of the people becomes unconstitutional the Constitution becomes a
dictator. Though it is not your responsibility to create legislation, you too
are citizens of this nation, With your position it is up to you to insure that
the interests of the people are best served. It is your duty to “establish
justice and insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense and
promote the general welfare.” Your apathy towards this is disgraceful and will
not go unpunished. like the Pharisee of old, most of you can’t see the light
standing in front of you.
contempt for you sitting on the bench is that you have the necessary knowledge,
education, and ability to insure that our rights are upheld and our laws are
used to strengthen our Republic. Yet, you use these attributes to serve
yourselves. Being more dedicated to procedure and protocol than you are to
justice. This is contemptible. To serve this Injustice is to create anarchy and
will lead to your demise,
too long delayed is justice denied ... Injustice anywhere is a threat to
justice everywhere ... Whatever affects one directly affects elf indirectly. ..
History is the long and tragic story of the fact that privileged groups seldom
give up their privileges voluntarily.” – MLK
you who legislate, by your
legislation the Constitution has become a tyrant. We are where we are because
of you. There is no justification for your blind partisanship. You are not
Americans. You are Democrats and Republicans. “In order to form a more perfect
union, II you have established a platform for your own wellbeing. Shame on you!
You who place party above the people. In fact you are public enemy number one.
Your lack of concern for the American people is nothing short of treason.
Decades of apathy have brought us to the doorstep of the next American
revolution. Be not confused, revolution is at hand and you are its reason.
ability to complicate the simplest of legislation is consistent with your
inability to lead this country. Your philosophy on protecting the American
people is flawed and inconsistent with the times. Your tolerance of those
determined to exploit our weaknesses is incomprehensible. Your very existence
stains the fabric of a democratic society.
Country, and the People have no place in your agenda. With the aid of the
media, who edit the news, you have become corrupt to the extent that it is
business as usual. You, with such power to do good, are instead subverting our
very roots and undermining the core values of our Constitution, You should be
hung from the highest tree.
... governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the
consent of the governed; that whenever any form of government becomes
destructive of these ends, it ;s the right of the people to alter or abolish
it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles
and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to
effect their safety and happiness.” – The Declaration of Independence July 4, 1776
must be done, so “that this nation shall have a new birth of freedom and that
this government Of the People, By the People and For the People shall not
perish from the earth. “ – Abraham Lincoln
William Henry Nolan, Jr.
Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell
On July 8th, 2010 I wrote this;
“To my beloved United States Military leaders, The Two
problems with ‘Don’t Ask – Don’t Tell are; 1. Gay soldiers used it to get out
of wartime deployments. 2. Soldiers who ‘outed’ (told on) other soldiers had no
fear of repercussions for ‘telling’! Want to see how a repeal would be?
Halt all pending UCMJ actions and return all soldiers to their units! And,
immediately implement a ‘NO ONE ASKS and NO ONE TELLS policy! In six month, you’ll
know just how well repealing the law will work! To those fighting to repeal
‘Don’t Ask – Don’t Tell’, If you’re going to fight for it, you need to live it!
So, I expect all of you in uniform soon after it is repealed! If repealed,
DON’T BE HYPOCRITICAL! If you are not willing to serve in the military after
fighting for it’s repositioning, then you need to find another cause to fight
for and leave this one alone!”
Well, ABC
News reported today that the President of the United States, the Commander
in Chief of the United States Military, told Democrat leaders to put Don’t Ask,
Don’t Tell in the War Funding bill to dare Republicans to fillabuster it! So
today I add this -
To the Congress of the United States;
I could give a *&^%$# - *&^%$#@ - *&^% if
you repeal Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell. But when you sneak repealing it into a War
funding bill (like last time), and when the “Commander in Chief” tells
Democrats to put Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell in a War funding, bill
knowing fool well that Republicans will vote NO on it - now
you’re playing with the safety of, the security of, and the ablity of every
Military person to do their job! To everyone that has someone serving in the
United States Military -
Remember who played politics with the money the would
cover the supplies you loved one needs to do their jobs effectifvely, and the
paycheck they sacrifies so much for so that you can handle the business here at
Just imagine! Your loved one and 35 of their
friend dying on a hillside in Afghanistan because they ran out of bullets to
defend themselves! What will you accept as the reason?
The Republicans voted NO on the War Funding bill?
OR - The Republicans voted NO on the War Funding bill
because the Democrats put Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell in the bill to bypass a debate
about the issue?
With this Congress - it could happen!
Let’s HOPE to CHANGE this Congress!
Carl ‘BIG SARGE’ Austin
A CPA for Comptroller?
I ask readers to
take a closer look at the Illinois Comptroller’s race this year, because there
is something very different about it this time around. There is actually a qualified candidate running
for the position!
My name is Julie
Fox. I come to the Comptroller’s race with financial experience in both the
public and private sectors. I am a
Certified Public Accountant. I
have worked as a Controller in the private sector for over 12 years. I am also the former Treasurer of the
Dundee Township Library District Board.
I am the only CPA running for Comptroller. In fact, I am the only accountant running for this top
accounting position in the state!
While it’s not
inappropriate for Comptroller candidates to discuss how they would reduce state
spending, their main focus should be on what they can do to make the
Comptroller’s office run more efficiently and effectively. The Comptroller does not determine how
the money is spent, rather, the Comptroller’s main duties are reporting state
revenues and expenditures, signing checks, and managing the books.
I am the only Comptroller
candidate who is focusing directly on the duties of the Comptroller’s office
and how they can be improved upon.
I am the only candidate with an auditing background who has experience working
with financial controls and can ensure that we have such controls set up in the
Comptroller’s office to reduce the risk of fraud and waste. I am the only Comptroller
candidate with a background in accounting software management, experience that
will help ensure we set up our systems so that the Comptroller’s office is no
longer producing checks that are not worth the paper they are printed on.
I am the only candidate for
Comptroller with expertise in financial reporting in both the private and
public sectors. I am the only one who can – and
will - expose the inadequacies and inaccuracies of the state’s current system
of financial reporting. I
will work in whatever way I can to make sure that Illinois residents are
receiving an accurate view of the state’s current financial position through
the Comptroller’s office. I am
also the only candidate who can work independently, owing no allegiance to
members of either major political party.
The Comptroller
doesn’t determine policy, so why is that the only thing my Republican and
Democratic opponents are talking about?
The answer is simple -- that’s all they know to talk
The Comptroller’s
position, similar to those of Treasurer, Secretary of State, and Attorney
General, is a job in the public sector and it should be treated as such. We expect our Attorney General to be an
attorney. We should expect our
Comptroller to be an accountant!
Julie Fox
Libertarian Candidate for Illinois