Letters to Mother Burg 2000


From: ???

Email: osborna@wpmail.phscare.org

Date: Mon, 03 Jan 2000

Dear Galesburg: I came across this site while looking for on-line newspapers and was so happy to find a paper from Galesburg. I was not born in Galesburg, but consider it my hometown. I often think and talk about my hometown -- Galesburg.

We moved to Galesburg in the late 50s when my father, a U.S. Army NCO was assigned to the ROTC Department at Knox College. We lived in a house on Prospect Street - I think it is gone now. I attended preschool, Kindergarten, Grades 5-6 at Silas Willard Elementary School, Grades 7-8 at Lombard Junior High School and then Grades 9-12 at Galesburg Senior High School, graduating in 1973.

We moved from Galesburg when I was 6 because my father was reassigned to Germany, then Chicago, then Euclid, OH. Then we moved back to Galesburg when he retired from the Army. After graduating high school in 1973 I enlisted in the U.S. Army when I served for over 20 years serving in Missouri, Texas, Maryland, Washington DC, Kentucky, Germany, and Georgia, I attained the rank of Master Sergeant (although I was on the promotion list for Sergeant Major prior to retiring from the Army 1 September 1993. While in the Army I earned 3 degrees including a Master of Science Degree in Administration with a Health Services concentration. After retiring from the Army I worked for about 2 years as a Healthcare Manager at a hospital outside of Atlanta, GA.

In 1996 I moved to Texas where I work as a Healthcare Manager in a large not for profit hospital. I live with my wife Nora, who is from Weslaco, TX, and my daughter Ashleigh, in Richardson which is a northern suburb of Dallas. Like I said, Galesburg is my hometown. And there are many things that I remember of it and the surrounding area that have forever shaped my life. The railroad stands out - and of course Railroad Days! Carl Sandburg - a truly great poet. School - nearly all of my schooling took place in Galesburg. While I had many very good teachers, the one that stands out in my mind is Mr. Tom Letz - my high school architecture teacher. Riding my bike with my friends - we often road for miles. I earned money mowing yards in my neighborhood - we last lived on E. Fremont near the intersection with Rock Island Avenue. I got my start in the Boy Scouts in Galesburg with Troop 285 chartered by the American Legion Post 285. (I am still involved in Scouting as a Scoutmaster of a Troop in Richardson). Oh, yes, the Knox County Fair -- we don't have fairs like that in TX. (The State Fair of Texas is held here in Dallas but it can't compare to the little county fairs of the midwest. I always liked going to the Knox County Fair.

There is so much, the farms, camping with friends, fishing at Lake Story' and of course my family. Both of my parents are buried in Galesburg and my two younger sister who are married live in Knoxville and Gilson.

Even though I love Texas (everything really is bigger and better here - at least that is what we will tell you!) and will probably live here the rest of my life, Galesburg is home. Midwesterners are unique - the best people in the world. Treasure your midwest culture!



From: Allen Osborne

Email: faoefmb@netzero.net

Date: Tue, 4 Jan 2000

Dear Mother Burg:

This is great! Less than a day after I wrote my first letter here I got an email from a 73 classmate, Chris Curtis, who I did not know in high school, never even met her, but took the time to write to me. That's midwestern friendliness and culture. Thanks Chris! Does anyone know how to contact the Class of 73 reunion committee? Also I would love hearing from any of you that I might know. The power of the internet can reunite us again! Thanks Galesburg!


From: Barbara J. Garibay-Mendoza

Email: GaribayMendozaB@health.missouri.edu

Date: Wed, 5 Jan 2000

Dear Mother Burg:

I just moved, once again, from G-Burg. It is great to be able to read letters from other Galesburgites. This is a great idea. I hope that it continues.


From: Beckey Tipton

Email: beckdaleinvegas@webtv.net

Date: Thu, 6 Jan 2000

Just saying hi: My name is Beckey Tipton aka Talbert and Roberson. I was born in Galesburg and lived there till we moved to Rio when I was in second grade at about age 13. Moved back to Galesburg. Then lived in various places near Galesburg. Both my sons were born in Galesburg and one now lives in London Mills. My other son lives in Fort Collins, Colorado. Still have other relation in your surrounding area. Usually I get back there once every year or so staying with my son and his wife and best of all seeing my two granddaughters. I now live in Las Vegas and have since 1987. I would like to hear from Karen Lewis who worked at, I believe Giants grocery store. I haven't been in touch with her for quite few a years and I know that she was married but I can't remember her new name. We played in a baseball league at Lake Storey for a few years and had a great time. If anyone has any info on Karen you can e-mail it to the above e-mail address. Thanks, anyone else that I went to school with or knew are welcome to write also. Thanks


From: Tim May

Email: tmay@grove.net

Date: Sat, 8 Jan 2000

Home Sweet Home

Dear Mother Burg:

It depresses me when people write about their home town in derogatory terms. Galesburg is just another town in the Midwest; I cannot say it is better or worse than any other small town. The fact is it is my home town no matter where else I may live. Yes when I lived there I thought some the police were a little heavy handed. The haves looked down their nose at us have-nots. The sun did not always shine on the days I ask it to. It refused to rain only on the lawn.Oh yes, there were injustices. I look back and for every injustice as I perceived them to be were in return for a stupid thoughtless act on my part. Galesburg is a beautiful little town on most part and if you have a lot of bad things to say about her, she probably could tell a bad story about you for each one of them. Fortunately for you that have bad things to say G'burg is a beautiful lady and will keep most of your stories to herself.I do know what I am talking about because on the most part she has kept my stories "of which there are many" to herself. Now as I look back the police were a little too easy on me; the people I crossed may have been a little more forgiving than I deserved. The beautiful people that continued to trade with me as I went through a very hard part of my life. A special thank you to Mr. & Mrs. George Hicks for trying to put up with me. There are people in Galesburg that didn't even know they helped me and more that I didn't know helped me. I believe that you only get as much out of something as you put into it. In my case I am deeply indebted to Galesburg and may never be in the position to repay it. In my opinion anybody who has bad things to say about their home town -- no matter where it -- is just isn't worth the time to listen to them. Sincerely,

Timothy May

May Standard Service

Cherry at Ferris Streets

Galesburg, Illinois 1968 to 1978


From: Anne Hall

Email: ahall@roe27.k12.il.u

Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2000

G'burg Sweet Memories

Dear Mother Burg:

I was Anne May then I became Anne Lewis and I now am Anne Hall. I love Galesburg and miss living in a town where I can just go and get what I want when I want. Timothy May is my little brother and we have made many memories in G'burg. We decided once to find out where the railroad tracks went. Our Mom intercepted the idea and nixed it for us. We were sad at the moment but now realize the wisdom of her decision. (oh duh!!) I remember the square when it wasn't round and the Broadview when it was a hotel. I remember the beautiful old library and that it was always cool even in the hot summer. Our high school and Steele Gym covered the block where the city hall now stands. My junior and senior years I worked after school at the Knox County Day. Every day I went through the beautiful courthouse lawn to go to work. I remember the year Dutch Elm disease killed many of our beautiful trees. I remember asking the Ice Man for chips of ice and when milk was delivered right to the door. Galesburg harbors many of my memories. I could not have been offered more opportunities than Galesburg gave me. At age 35, I went back to school at CSC, then transferred to Bradley in Peoria where I graduated and got my BS. I taught for 5 years at Christian Life Center School before moving to the tiny town of Roseville, Ill. (What a culture shock!) Since then, I got a master's degree and for the past 13 years have been a Title 1 (formerly Chapter 1) reading teacher. When I retire, I want to get a scanner and live on the 14th floor of Moon Towers and keep track of all the happenings in Galesburg. Now how's that for having "high" hopes.

Anne Hall

405 W. Penn

Roseville, IL 61473

Email: or


From: Lucie J. Elvin

Email: AELVIN@aol.com

Date: Thu, 13 Jan 2000

Costa High School

Dear Mother Burg:

Hello, I just discovered the Zephyr while trying to track down a Costa High School Alumni Assoc. I'm Lucie Elvin, aka Niergarth and Larson while living in Galesburg. I graduated in 1967 along with Jim Holt, ( is he related to Mike Holt, Sal?) I went to the tenth and twenty reunion, but lost any list of classmates. Since most of the girls are married, it makes it more difficult to search for them. I'm living in New Milford, Conn. now with my husband, Al, and my 12-year-old daughter, Lauren. My son Warren, who is 30, now lives in Independence, Mo. with his wife and four children. I dream of Galesburg at night, of long brick streets covered with elm trees. I remember them dying. There is a distinct difference between a "yankee" and a "midwesterner", believe me. Right now we are having our first snow this winter and I'm longing for a flat driveway instead of the 500 foot ski slope that we have! It's nice being near big cities, but having lived in Chicago, that was city enough. I long for corn fields, skating on the lake at Lincoln Park, and wide open skies.Yes, Carl Sandburg is the first writer I ever knew of intimately and I also remember the night that the library burned down. My mom and I had gone back to her office that night to pick up my library books I had forgotten were due. As we were driving home, I told Mom to drive toward the huge red glow in the sky. I cried as I watched it burn. We had no water pressure that night as the city wells were going dry. This was just before we started getting water from the Mississippi. Many famous documents were lost.I also remember that I could ride my bike anywhere in town during the summer and feel safe. Can't do that out here, even in the country. My daughter will miss that freedom that we had growing up.If there is a Costa High Alumni of 1967, or is anyone from that class, or their sisters or brothers are around, please email at Aelvin@aol.com.

Will also be watching this site.

Lucie J. Elvin


From: Barbara Rewald Marvin

Email: BMarvin599@aol.com

Date: Sun, 16 Jan 2000

Memories of Galesburg

Dear Mother Burg:

My name is Barbara Rewald Marvin. I discovered this site on line a few months ago and finally decided that I wanted to write. I graduated from "dear old Galesburg High School" in 1971 and promptly left town --first for Chicago, and from there, for the Washington, DC area, where I have lived for the past almost ten years. Back in 1971, I couldn't wait to leave for a more exciting locale, and I pretty much thought that anything would be more exciting than G-burg. But the memories stick with you. I can still -- much to the amusement of my husband, a Chicago boy -- sing "Dear Old Galesburg High School, Your stalwart sons will ever by you stand. Your daughters fair will ever round you rally, and shout your praises o'er our land" without tripping over my tongue in the process. And I have many of the same memories that other recent writers have shared, and many others: the A&W;root beer stand, the smell of burning leaves, the long lines at the Dairy Queen on Henderson and Losey on hot summer nights, being the first senior class at GHS to get to leave school for lunch, the big back yard of my house on Olive Street, hot dog roasts and hay rides in the fall, the smells of burning leaves, walking across town for my Wednesday afternoon piano lessons, the schools and the teachers -- Mr. Allen and Mr. Phlamm at Churchill, and Mr. Hegg and Mr. Krause, and many others, the school plays (I recently thought of "Aaron Slick from Pumpkin Crick," which I think Churchill put on when I was in 7th grade; also "Teahouse of the August Moon" from GHS); concerts, musicals, Reflectavue, and, of course, the old Main Street and shopping on Saturdays and having a hot dog at WT Grants and/or a Green River at OT Johnsons. Writing this makes me realize how much my life has changed since I left Galesburg, but also how much of her I have carried with me. And also, how much I hope I have communicated to my three sons growing up in a different time and place.For better or worse, to a great degree, it was Galesburg that made me who I am. Thanks.

Barbara Rewald Marvin GHS '71


From: Art Harrison

Email: jmaltese@earthlink.net

Date: Wed, 19 Jan 2000

Looking for friend

Dear Mother Burg:

I am trying to locate an old school friend, Dave (David) Harris, Galesburg H.S. Class of 1955. Dave and I were friends in the 1950s and I have lost track of him. He lived on either Florence or Beecher Avenues and Huber Avenue. He joined the Air Force after graduation and then possibly went into law enforcement in California. Art Harrison



From: Connie W.

Email: bcwfire@email.msn.com

Date: Fri, 4 Feb 2000

Dear Mother Burg:

What a nice surprise to find this site, my mother hooked me up to this just today...have been wanting to send a letter back for some time now. Really miss the beautiful fall color, the brick streets and the wonderful home town feel of Galesburg. Now who could forget Coney Island! I have to say my family and I came away with a deep appreciation for the Galesburg school system. I hope those of you there realize how lucky you are in attending school there...have horror stories I could tell of my children's experiences in the Texas High School they attended. Thank goodness they spent the majority their school years in Galesburg. Wish they could say they were graduates of GHS. Now my youngest son was one up in his English class here, they happened to cover the subject of famous poets. He said he was the only one in the class who knew of Carl Sandburg, gave them quite a review 1; his works. Then he went on to remind me of all the pennies that were collected in the grade schools every year for the Sandburg birthplace. Thank you for showing us the new Wolf Covered Bridge and offering us a link to our hometown.

Connie W.

Fort Worth, Texas


From: Sandie Cameron Murphy

Email: dlm@mtco.com

Date: Tue, 15 Feb 2000

Dear Mother Burg:

I have really enjoy reading the letters from others who have fond memories of The Burg! I was born and raised in Galesburg about 3 blocks south of the Burlington Train Depot. I was amazed to find that not everyone in the world heard trains on a regular basis when I moved away to college. There was hump in So. Chambers St. that got us over the tracks to 'walk' up town. My Dad was a Tailor and worked for Stern and Field for several years. On Friday night it was a big deal to go up town and meet Dad and go to the little drug store on the corner of Seminary and Main where we got Ice Cream Sodas! Mmmmmmmmmmm! I remember the night the gorgeous old library burnt down. It was so sad. We were in the 'old' high school theater for a show and it was evacuated. No one went any where. The glass floor in the Library was a part of the magic of that old building. The neighborhood I grew up in would have potlucks and when the first neighbor had a TV we all went there to watch what ever was the special, on the small black and white set. It was a magic time in many ways. Not perfect certainly, but simpler and safe for children. GHS basketball got into my blood in the late 50s and I still like high school basketball. What fun we all had being snowbound on the way back from the Quad Cities and a tourney game. My class was the first to graduate from the 'new' high school and we didn't like it much, it wasn't comfortable like the old one and we didn't have 'Senior Alley'. Thanks for your sight. I just stumbled onto it.

Sandie Cameron Murphy (GHS Class of '60)

Princeville, IL


From: Sal Santamaria

Email: chibox1@megsinet.net

Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2000

Dear Mother Burg:

Hello fellow Galesburg residents and ex-residents: I was just thinking about growing up in Galesburg, and all the people I got to know, and all the people I wished I would've taken the time to learn about. I think that when you are growing up, maybe we put pressure on our own selves, self implied by what we think others may think of us.06;en though it really shouldn't matter, it does matter at that time. Some of us were shy, some were popular for one thing or another and others were scholars, and of course, we can't forget the partiers. We all knew who they were, and for the most part "they" were probably the friendliest and most open to speak with. I had, I think, friends from all walks of life. I was more of an observer, gathering thoughts, mannerisms, different cultural behaviors. "It" for the most part kept me amused. Now that we are, all are (Class of 1980) preparing for the reunion in July these thoughts of me growing up with all of you are surfacing again, after an almost 20 year hibernation. I was fortunate enough to have gone to four different schools; 1) Immaculate Heart of Mary for the second and third grade, almost immediately after moving from Chicago were I attended St. Joseph for my 1st grade, and before that kindergarten in Mexico City then on to 2) Lincoln Middle School for the 4th, 5th, and 6th grade, 3) on to 7th and 8th at Lombard Junior High, where I was involved in student council. During student council, certain members were chosen to attend a day in a different school, both times I was chosen and I went to visit Churchill Junior High. I was assigned a student each time by the name of Ronnie Haim and Jeff Duncan. Both of these guys I had previously known back at Lincoln Middle. I am sure, that I was introduced to different kids at that time from Churchill. I didn't really pay too much attention, being nervous and really not knowing too many people from that school. 4) Costa Catholic School, for the 9th grade. Man, did we have fun at that school. Lots of the students there I had known most of my life, but never really kept up with them until I was back with them again, 6 years later. There were new faces, but it seemed that everyone at that school was nice. It really feels good to see people again, you thought you had forgotten about until, there you are face to face again. These students I knew in 2nd and 3rd grade, grew up and I was a smaller kid. Students like; Mike Holt, Lisa Lee, Cathy Holt, Mark Sprauge, Susan Pogue, Vick Guerra, Steve Boos, I grew up with, or have known about them since the 2nd grade. It was really nice to have seen them again.G2; course, back then I didn't realize it. Now as we get closer to the Reunion Day, I think about those times. Who will I run into once again? Catch up on the old times of that past time and into the present. I think I maintained a friendly self with the people I got to know, and am looking forward to seeing you guys again. You guys are a part of my growing up and the feedback that "you" and I got back from each other has, I think, helped us or myself, in our adult lives. We share a part of a personal history about one another, in our memories, in our yearbooks, in the classes we had shared once before, the times after school, whether they be parties or games or some other school or club function, we "all" that were present share in that historical moment. Wouldn't it be nice to rekindle that old feeling again? See people you hadn't seen, or kept up with and move on to the present, catch up with old friends or acquaintances. Get to really know people, maybe you wished you had taken the time to know. If you share similar feelings, experiences, memories, maybe just maybe the reunion is just what the doctor ordered. Tell a friend, tell them to tell someone else. Start a chain reaction with this Class Reunion, 1980 may be history, but 2000 is the present. Let's make it a go and go for it. Looking forward to seeing all of you.

Take care and God bless, Sal Santamaria

GHS 1980


From: Karen Colclasure

Email: sgcalico1@earthlink.net

Date: Mon, 13 Mar 2000

Dear Mother Burg:

I was looking for a website for the school district, #205, and stumbled over this site. What a thrill!!! I grew up in Cameron but we moved to Galesburg when I was in high school. I'd already attended Churchill Jr. High and was at GHS when we moved to Lincolnshire. My mother, Martha Colclasure, was assistant music supervisor for the district. The various letters on your site bring back so many memories. I also remember the Dutch Elm devastation as well as the Library burning down. I remember ice skating at Lincoln Park in the winter, with a huge bonfire burning on the bankside. I remember the Huddle Drive In and the wonderful shrimp they had, and the bowling alley where you could see some of your friends. I, too, remember Mr. Allen at Churchill and his wonderful Music Appreciation Class. I remember my Algebra teacher at Churchill, I can't remember her name, but she was one of the best teachers I ever had even though everyone was afraid of her. Then there was the English Literature teacher who used to do Yogi Bear imitations and make us laugh. Lastly I remember our history teacher and the story of how she and her brother fled the Nazis. We moved from Galesburg to Seattle in 1962, and I moved from Seattle to Los Angeles in 1985. By that time both of my parents had passed away... but they are "back home" buried in Alpha. I am not able to work due to illness, but I do a bit of volunteering for Mr. Russell Means, one of the co-founders of the American Indian Movement. He and his wife are wonderful people and I enjoy the opportunity to, hopefully, make a difference in someone's life who is less fortunate than I am. He, as some of you may know, is also an author, lecturer, movie producer, and actor in addition to activist. You may have seen him in "Last of the Mohicans" or heard his voice in "Pocahontas," which are two movies that he is known for along with others. It's interesting being at his production office when he has projects going because you never know who you'll meet or speak to. Prior to my illness I worked in a number of clerical positions. For a number of years I was in an administrative assistant position with the Director of Finance for a major HMO. It was interesting work and he was a wonderful boss, but the corporate mentality is so foreign to the background I have from "home." I just can't get used to the attitude that "anything you want to do is OK as long as you don't get caught or can lie your way out of it," and "It's OK to stomp over the top and lives of others on your way up the corporate ladder." I grew up with an appreciation of ethics, principles, and moral responsibility, so I finally burned out and had to find a different job. I wound up in a job that was at the opposite end of the spectrum... I became a church secretary for a United Methodist Church. The pay was terrible, there were no benefits, and the hours were long, but it was the best job I'd ever had... and you couldn't ask for a better "CEO!" I really miss "home" at Christmas. My only trip home was in 1980, about a week before Christmas, and I stayed with a friend living in East Galesburg. I know a lot of people dream of California, Los Angeles/Hollywood... but it is much better where you are! LaLaLand is an OK place to visit once in a while, but living here isn't what you'd think... and it's terribly expensive besides. Fixer-upper homes start at probably $250,000 if you want to live in a decent area. Where I'm currently living the homes start around $500,000 and the median price is $1.5 to 2.5 million and up for any of the new homes being built. It's crazy!!! So, an awful lot of people, like me, rent. Yes, I'm still a "motor mouth" as you can see. Thanks for the wonderful site!

Karen Colclasure


From: Amy Smith

Email: Amy_Smith@urscorp.com

Date: Tue, 4 Apr 2000

Dear Mother Burg:

Greetings from expatriate Amy Smith (Class of '73) Does anyone else remember the International Farm Progress Show, hosted by Galesburg in 1973? Farmers from Baghdad to Berwick flocked to the black fields of surrounding farms. GHS students were given the day off, and were encouraged to attend. The farm roads leading to the showcase fields had been shorn of the pesky hemp plants still prevalent (a holdover from WWII fiber production). Leading to the nexus of the exhibits, those small roads were in traffic gridlock! My friends and I rode the few miles on bicycles to take in the breathtaking pageant. Once there the exhibits were anticlimactic, since the farmers of Galesburg owned the world's biggest agricultural implements, giving us frequent opportunity to view the latest technology when driving behind them. Most of us had also been inside a silo, and laboring as corn detassellers somewhat detracted from the magic of seeing actual corn plants up close. But we rarely experienced visiting dignitaries in Galesburg. So imagine our excitement when we sighted Junior Sample from the farm-themed television program "Hee-Haw!" corpulently gracing not one, but TWO straw bales. The other luminaries are memorable for BOTH disgracing themselves and the Nixon administration: the off color joke-loving Secretary of Agriculture Earl Butz, and bribe loving Vice President Spiro Agnew. I do not remember seeing a souvenir booth, but wonder what memorabilia may exist (proudly displayed, no doubt!) commemorating this moment of history.

Amy Smith


From: Jennifer Clifford

Email: JMCWW@webtv.net

Date: Wed, Apr 5, 2000

Dear Mother Burg:

Thank you so much for the pic of the Wolf covered bridge. We were back there in August and weren't able to see it. My children were able to see it a few minutes ago because of your web site. This is silly, but what I miss the most are Sterzings potato chips. We don't get them here. :-(

Jennifer Clifford


From: Jennifer Clifford

Email: JMCWW@webtv.net

Date: Wed, Apr 5, 2000

Dear Mother Burg:

Well, after reading some of your letters I decided that I had more to say. I grew up on Brooks Street. Nice neighborhood, nice people (for the most part). My memories of Galesburg, horrible taunting and teasing to a level that would bring a grown man to his knees. I was recently looking at my old report cards and I missed something like 20-40 days of school per year due to this. Not to mention all of the child molesters who live there (they all managed to find me). So to all of you who teased me so relentlessly, I have somehow found a way to forgive you, but no, I will never forget and we will never be friends. I do want to thank you, though, because you did make me a damn good mother. NO ONE teases my children. I won't have it. None of the people that I saw this past summer had changed. I think it is in the water. As for the city itself, I love it. It is a VERY beautiful place. I miss the trees, the parks, the quietness that seems to be the city. I live in a large city now and there are few trees and no quiet! I will never move back, EVER, but I have referred two people to live there and one is moving there this summer. I would like to send out a special thank you to my old home-ec teacher, Mrs.Nelson. If anyone knows he,r please tell her. You could never know it but you saved my life. Who would have thought I was saved in 8th grade home-ec. Thank you, Mrs. Nelson. I have been waiting a long time to say that. And thank you Mother Burg for allowing me to. And one last thought, anyone who knows me, feel free to e-mail me at the above addy. Most will remember me as Jennifer Arnold. No negative e mail please; I have enough problems already. Thank you again Mother BurgJennifer Clifford


From: Pete & Lois Munson

Email: petelois@citlink.net

Date: Sat Apr 29, 2000

Dear Mother Burg:

Have been reading the column for awhile now and I guess I'm about the most "ancient" one out there to send a letter so far. I graduated from G.H.S. in 1947, so when I ask if there's any old classmates still around and on-line, they might be scarce -- to say the least.I departed the old hometown for the service five years after graduating, pulled a hitch in the navy during the Korean conflict, and remained in California until retiring in 1990 and moving to Arizona. Many, many memories of Galesburg, and can't think of any bad ones. I won't take up much space, just to say that if anybody would care to poke out a line, I would like very much to hear from you.

Thanks a bunch.


From: marcia gaskill

Email: mgaskill@midwest.net

Date: Sun., May 7, 2000

Hi Mother Burg:

I was born in Knoxville Il and lived there until I was 10 thru the war and thru D Day. I remember the celebrations. We moved to Galesburg in 1946; there I went to Mary Allen West school where I had the most gracious teacher by the name of Rose Hoben Welch. She truly was a great influence in my life. From there I went to Churchill Jr. High and I remember Miss Kloss and the soon-to-be-Superintendent Mr. Franson. Those were great years of learning and friendship, from there to GHS and all the Silver streaks games and proms and all the best of a smaller town. After graduation in 1955 and marriage and 3 children, all born in Galesburg, and 30 years for Maytag I am now retired. I would like to hear from any and all class mates of that time period.

Marcia Gaskill, mgaskill@midwest.net


From: Phyllis Moreno

Email: PHYLLISMORENO@msn.com

Date: Sun., May 7, 2000

Hello all!

Hi Everyone. A very good friend sent me this site. I loved growing up in Galesburg. It will always be home. I have fond memories but also horrible ones. Unlike some I was never teased in school or beaten up on. There were other stuff that I will not go into.What I am writing for is that maybe some of you who knew me will contact me so we can get reacquainted again. My name before I was married was Phyllis Roberson. Becky Tipton, who wrote in January, is my aunt and because of this paper I was able to write her and hope she will write back. We have not spoken for almost 8 years. (complicated)I just love talking to my kids about the people I met in Galesburg and taking them up there to see my grandparents (Web and Jane Darby). They got a kick out of me showing them the houses we grew up at. Makes ya kind of sad that all that seems like yesterday but when I look at the kids I know it was sooooooooo long ago.Hope this gets printed. Anybody is free to email me.


Phyllis Moreno (formerly Roberson)



From: Annette Henshaw-Kelly

Email: annkell99@prodigy.net

Date: Sun, Jun 4, 2000

Dear Mother Burg:

It is sad, in a way, that for some to really appreciate Galesburg they have to leave it. When I was young I thought "there is nothing here." Now after being away for 30 years I know each time I return that there is everything there. Galesburg has some of the most beautiful streets and homes, especially the old homes that have been restored. This cannot compare to the new housing that so many cities brag about now. Galesburg still has large green lawns and the big beautiful trees have not been cut down in the name of progress.But most of all I miss the people. Whenever I meet someone that I immediately "click" with, it turns out they are from the midwest. There is a charm about the town and the people.I have many wonderful memories from the old days, of gathering with my friends after school at Lott's Drug store for French fries and Coke; or on Saturday's at the Coffee-Corner for a hot fudge sundae while in the background you could hear the jukebox wailing Hank Snow's "There Stands the Glass"; bike rides through Lincoln Park; Coney-Dogs at A&W; summers at Lake Bracken and their Sunday night outdoor movies; and pork tenderloin sandwiches (why can't I find these in other states?).Several of my friends have retired and moved back to Galesburg and each time I return I know why. So those of you who think "there is nothing here" -- just leave for a few years. You won't feel that way when you return.

Annette Henshaw-Kelly

Houston, Texas


From: Terri Lynn Zeldes

Email: bthawaii@comptime.com

Date: Mon, Jun 5, 2000


Hi. Great website. Fun to reminisce! Kiddie land, Steak n Shake, the Huddle. My parents owned Sydney's Mens Wear. I went to Silas Willard and remember Mrs. Wentworth (first grade) Mrs. Pinkerton, Mr. Tom Poole (handsome), Mrs. Carlson and Mrs. Horn. Fond memories. The Wolfsies and Glazers were good friends. The Steins had wonderful birthday parties in the basement. Aunt Dena Litvin (cousin David still lives there) and Uncle Ben's beautiful house in Fair Acres! The pony rides.Does anyone know Jaye Mullin, Mary Ann Kelley. These 2 gals lived in Lincolnshire How about Michelle Duncan? I have great memories and was sad to move to Los Angeles in 1964 , but turned out glad I did. Lonnie Stewart did my mom's hair (mom is still alive and a beautiful 73. Dad Passed away 2 years ago at 75.)Dinner at the American Beauty (my brother and I had a charge account!), then off to the Orpheum Theatre to see 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. Sylvia Trimble was a childhood friend (her dad was the vet). Denise Fox, Pat Melin and ROGER CALLAHAN, I was crazy about him! DOES ANYONE REMEMBER MAX BOND; he looked like Elvis; The Eichhorns... I could go on for days. If you know any of those people please contact me at bthawaii@comptime.com

Terri Zeldes Pritchard

P.O. Box 389

Honaunau, Hawaii 96726


From: Denise Fox

Email: meredith@airmail.net

Date: Sun, 25 Jun 2000

Dear Mother Burg, a Reply to Terri Zeldes

What a surprise to find a letter from someone I know from G'burg--! Of all the people you mentioned, Terri, I hope I'm not the only one who will reply--I'm Denise Fox. I remember when you moved from Lincoln Park Drive--my folks bought a couch from your parents! My family moved from Lincoln Park Drive about a year after you all moved. We moved to a suburb of Chicago--Naperville. However, I have fond memories of G'burg and I do keep in touch with Barb Deets(Weaver). I am sorry to hear about your loss. My folks are retired and live in Naples, Florida. Oh YES--I remember Max Bond and Roger Callahan (I think everyone was in love with him in grade school!!!) The teachers at Silas Willard enlightened me soo much that I entered the field of education 24 years ago and have been teaching middle school math ever since 1976. I even use Mrs. Finche's technique of baking fudge if everyone receives 90 or above on our state test. I've done this for many years in addition to coloring my hair blue to free movie passes.I now live in a little town outside of Dallas called Sunnyvale and I even have a field behind my house -- just like on Lincoln Park Drive! Many events which happen "out in the country" bring back many memories of my childhood--field mice in the house or pool (of which I have to capture as no one in my family was brought up in the country) to the grasshoppers and lighting bugs. As July 4th approaches , I ALWAYS remember the celebration at Lake Rice (the country club)--swimming all day (while the dads played golf), grilling on outdoor grills by the clubhouse, and the grand finale--sitting on the hill and watching the fireworks on the lake. Did you take swimming lessons from HARLEY at the club? Do you remember how he got us into the lake by forming a train and chugging into the water? I used this technique when I taught mentally challenged kids in Florida (to get them into the ocean). So, even though I moved from G'burg 35 years ago, I have carried and passed on many of the wonderful memories of the G'burg people. I hope you hear from the people you have mentioned in your letter. I will e-mail Barb Deets and see if she knows the whereabouts of any of them. Joe, her brother, also lives in G'burg -- so he might know, too. My e-mail address is meredith@airmail.net. I'd love to hear from you or anyone from the "BURG"!!

Denise Fox


From: szczrno@lycosmail.com

Email: szczrno@lycosmail.com

Date: Sun, 25 Jun 2000

Dear Mother Burg:

Subject: Coming in from the cold (esp. to Sal Santamaria)

I had read your letters and those of others from Galesburg, during a winter holiday stay. I'm married to Maren from Prussia, with an infant girl, Hannah Sophia, now 11 weeks. We live on the Liberty-Long County line in coastal Georgia.Have been working as an engineer in the Army; currently attending bus driver school Hope that you and your brothers and Marguerita are well. I tried to look some of you up in the phone guide but to no avail. Galesburg is quite changed, seems to me. I don't know about the schools. Would be interested to know how are the faculties of the Science and Math Depts. of Knox.How are your brothers? How is Abraham? And Tony? You know, my sister, Margaret, is living in a suburb of Barcelona, with her husband Ignacio and her children Miguel Ignacio and Elizabeth (Libby). I couldn't afford to take leave time from my former job near Hopkinsville, KY., last year for the H.S. reunion, but I've taken steps to come out of my self-exile and isolation. Had sort of cut myself off from almost everyone in my graduating class. Part of the hiatus was spent on the streets of Chicago, Memphis, New Orleans, and New York City. I have no regrets to hold, neither grudges. Galesburg is a city, with good and bad; "mother" is not the term I would choose, but this is not to "dis" the Burg, which I feel is unique in some positive ways. Hard times, yeah, I felt I had 'em, but don't we all, and not just those of us raised up in Galesburg. Anyone heard of Bill Inglebright? He made a deep impression, without ever intending to, I'm sure, on me. I recall at first thinking of him as a big goof-off or good looking jock at first, but somewhere during freshman English, I learned to respect his gentle, intelligent character, and inner seriousness. He got me interested in Zen Buddhism. If it weren't for this inquiry, I think I might have ended up on the run from the law, or in the pen or death row. Like they say, there but for the grace of God go I. And can you get e-zines from Galesburg?

Any former or current Burger who may desire may contact me at szczrno@LycosEmail.com

Enjoy your summer!


From: Bruce Boughner

Email: bruceb@hfscientific.com

Date: Mon, Jul 3, 2000

Subject: Memories

Hello Galesburg, I have ghosted the posts several times before writing. I have many fine memories of Galesburg, from GHS to Prairie Players to Rail Road Days. I found that the values that I learned there have sustained me throughout many strange, some times wonderful and sometimes difficult experiences, having lived in Ft Myers, Florida since 1986. Now that I am raising 2 very active sons, they ask where 'Daddy' is from and I entertain them with stories about the railroads, Lake Storey and winter time activities (which they have yet to experience). They have grown watching me play pro baseball (yes JR Roy, your cousin did play with the pros and I have the baseball card and photos to prove it!) and met the great old-time stars like Brooks Robinson, Ryne Sandberg, Pete Rose and Bill 'Soupy' Campbell and they have watched me battle back from a serious back injury that threatened my ability to walk and play with them. They know that Daddy gets his strong will from a good solid background and has learned a wealth of knowledge from that place "with all the trains" (a local ice cream parlor has 2 Rail Road Days posters on its walls) and are very much wanting to go see all the things I describe to them. (As if living in a town near the Gulf of Mexico with 2 pro baseball spring training teams, 1 minor league team, a minor league pro hockey and basketball teams is boring). I do miss my close friends that I have fallen out of touch with and going places that I frequented often (with fond memories), I can truly say I do not miss the Burg in January and February but I often do think on returning.

Bruce Boughner

'78 GHS & '81 Sandburg Grad

Now thriving in sunny Ft Myers, Fla.


From: Willard Dawson

Email: wbdturn68@ccountry.net

Date: Mon, Jul 31, 2000

Subject: Galesburg.....

Dear Mother Burg:

My name is WILLARD DAWSON, and I was born and reared in Galesburg. I was born at home, on West Losey Street. Although Dr. Beecher (Sr) was called, I beat him by several minutes. (That was when doctors made house calls) We moved to Maple Avenue when I was just starting school at L. T. Stone. From there we moved to West Main St, and shortly thereafter to 82 North Henderson St., where I lived for the next 15 years or so.What a wonderful find.... your web site. I read most of the letters, among which are some familiar names. Reading those letters brought a lot of memories flooding back from the recesses of my mind. I remember O. T. Johnson's on Main Street, where I bought Carl Sandburg's book (autographed), Always The Young Strangers. I attended a function at the Congregational Church on the square which featured Sandburg who spoke, played his guitar and sang while being photographed repeatedly throughout the event by photographers from Life Magazine. (That was when I was attending college in Macomb. We (my roommate and I) rode the Mark Twain Zephyr from Macomb to see Sandburg, returning later that night back to Macomb.My father, William, worked 41 years for the Burlington Route (as it was known then, and the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy prior to that. He often referred to it as the "Q", as did many of the other employees. Saturday night my parents shopped at Kroger's across from the West Shoe Shine Parlor and the West Theatre. My sister worked at Kresge's, located right next door to Grant's, both five & dime stores, now a thing of the past. My older brother both worked for Fritz and Ruth Maturn who ran the Kroger's store then. My parents would park on Main Street and "people watch" and inevitably my Dad would see someone he knew usually a coworker, and he would hop out of the '41 Ford coupe to talk with them. My mother could never understand why, when he worked with these people, would he get out to talk to them when he saw them on a daily basis.I was graduated from GHS in 195l, and my father took me to Nyman's Jewelry Store where I picked out my watch, a tradition he held fast to.©8;was taken by a round, gold cased Hamilton, which was pretty expensive, but I had my heart set on it. Somewhat reluctantly, my father purchased it for me, although he would have been just as happy had I picked a less expensive one. Mr. Dexter, who lived up the street a few houses north of us on Henderson Street, was one of the jewelers there all his life. He walked daily-8; and from work, and even home for lunch, regardless of the weather. I don't think he ever owned a car, or even knew how to drive for that matter. His daughter, Joyce, was a classmate of mine.Some 30 years later, while visiting my brother, Dale Dawson, who retired from the Air Force and build a home on North Seminary Street, I walked into Nymans where I removed my Hamilton watch and told one of the younger Nyman brothers who then still operated the store, "I bought this watch in her, and it's STOPPED." When asked when I made the purchase, I admitted that it was some 30 years prior. To my surprise, and pleasure, they found that a tiny corner of the watch case had worn a hole in it from years of service, and some tiny bits of minutiae had accumulated, stopping the movement. He repaired the hole in the case and restored it to running order. I still have it, and it still operates accurately, although I only wear it on special occasions. (That far predates the self winding and current quartz digital watches.Gosh, there's so many memories that come flooding back. I recall the the Meadow Gold milk wagon drawn by a horse that knew the route better then the delivery man. And there was the ice man who, with huge glistening ice tongs, hoistedº8;th ease a fifty-pound block of ice (or larger) onto a rubber cape that draped over his shoulder and back and delivered it. And coal deliveries were made in the late fall from the coal company located between Hope Cemetery and the Santa Fe tracks. The truck the coal man delivered in would strain its way up the driveway, and he would place a chute from the truck into the window of the coal room and shovel off the load by hand. My mother insisted upon his wetting it down first to reduce the amount of dust created by it dropping with resounding "thuds" onto the floor of the coal room, which was dirt at the time. My father later poured a concrete floor. But the fruit cellar always maintained its dirt floor. I must have been nearly 12 years old before I realized that food came in can; I had always thought it was in Mason jars. Everyone had a "Victory Garden" from which everything was canned for the coming year. Those were the war years, and both my older brothers had patriotically enlisted, one of whom never returned. I remember that everything was rationed... canned goods, meat, shoes, gasoline (you had an 'A', 'B', or 'C' sticker pasted in the lower right hand window of the front windshield, and you had coupons you had to tear out of your coupon book for most everything. Change, a later innovation, was given out in tokens, red for meat and blue for canned goods.My father was born and reared in Appleton in Persifer Township; my mother from Cameron. We used to visit aunts and uncles in Appleton, and my father would always point out the well (all that remained of the homestead of Evy Slutes, where he was born) when we passed by on the gravel road.Sorry to wallow so deeply in memories. I'll bring this to a close, but I'd like to write again about Churchill Jr. High, and GHS, which was next door, both of which are long gone from that location. The fire house is still there, but no longer houses those big red engines. So much has changed. If anyone remembers me, I'd appreciate hearing from them at my e-mail: wbdturn68@ccountry.net. I feel that I've only scratched the surface of my memories, like the annual Gifford Players... live actors in a circus-like tent performing plays that they themselves wrote, directed and produced, and attending Saturday matinees at the West Theatre for a dime! Thanks for letting me prattle.

Willard Dawson

1100 McClellan Drive

Klamath Falls, Oregon 97603-4138


From: J.K. Hendrickson

Email: "Dick Hendrickson" hendrickson@gallatinriver.net

Date: Wed Aug 9, 2000

Subject: Mother Burg

THE Zephyr

Dear Mother Burg:

Hi There kids, from the Burg, I read all the letters in my living room on the south east end of Galesburg and know what all of you are talking about. I lived away and returned. My older brother said long ago, "you go but you return." Galesburg has the way of luring you back. I grew up on east Grove St. and lived there 18 years, went to Silas Willard, LombardØ6;d GHS. I would not give any of it up. The kids on our street were all close. My parents lived there until we had to put my father in a nursing home and my mother wanted to buy&21774;other home. My last day moving her out after 47years was hard. All I could say when I closed the door for the last time was it was fun. But I have the town, my family, and love just driving down the streets of Galesburg. I have a street I hold dear and that's Losey. My father handed me the keys to his car and told me, "today we are getting your driver's license." I live here and can look and see a change in things but what's in your mind when you close your eyes will always stay in your hearts. My husband is 60 and still tells about Gregory's ice cream store on the square and Coney Island hot dogs. He would eat lunch there. It was down from the old GHS. I always say when we get home if we are gone a week or two, there is no place like home. Well the sun is setting and I have used some space up for one of my burg sisters or burg brothers.



From: William Kempe

Email: domino1949@webtv.net

Date: Mon Aug 14, 2000

Dear Mother Burg:

Hi everyone. The letters I have just read have really warmed my heart. I'm one of those war babies or baby boomers or what ever anyone in their fifties like to refer to themself as. Having lived in Galesburg all my life ,I wonder how many readers remember when Galesburg was voted the "All American City"? What year? Do you remember the song? This dates me but I still remember the words to it. Mrs. Nyman at Nellie Swanson school taught us well ,as did all my teachers. Please keep this web site going , contribute any memories of our town, good or bad and tell every one you know. I know I will and thank you Zephyr! P.S. To all my English teachers , especially Joe Patterson forgive me for my grammar.



From: Kelly Kilgore

Email: Kilgo69@aol.com

Date: Mon Aug 21, 2000

Subject: It's hard to believe

Dear Mother Burg:

It's hard to believe that this site has been here and I have just found it. Of all of the names I have seen here, I recognize many. I can't say that I know any of the people that have written though. Sal, I remember some of the Santamaria family, but you are older than I am. I just want to say, Galesburg is a great town. I was born there and lived there til I was 19 and joined the Navy. I think that all of the people with negative things to say would have had the same things to say about any other town had they grown up elsewhere. I know that in 6 and a half years or so, when I retire from the World's Finest Navy, I will return to the World's Greatest City. Thanks Zephyr, for creating such a place for folks to write about a wonderful place.

Kelly Kilgore

GHS Class of 85

Oh, and if anyone would like to e mail me, I would love to share memories.


From: Deborah Smith Harrell


Date: Mon Aug 21, 2000

Subject: Mother Burg

Dear Mother Burg:

When I was 11 years old, my family moved to Galesburg. It was very hard because we moved from Alabama and we had a real hard time adjusting at first. At that time in 1965 there was a lot of racial tension and being children, the kids I went to school with at Cooke school thought it was my own personal fault that their ancestors had been slaves. There were a lot of fights. A lot of arguments. But eventually we fit in. There were 6 children in my family and we didn't have a lot but we did find many friends in Galesburg. I can also remember many the things some of the other writers recall. Lake Storey, and how far it seemed to the dock where the high dive was. Hanky Panky playing on the juke box. Mr. Shook, my 6th grade teacher, that used to line the whole class up for a paddling. The first and last year I ever got a paddling at school! Making angels in the snow and skating on the ice-covered streets. Walking to school in galoshes because we couldn't wear boots in school ( we couldn't wear pants either ). Walking over the 4th street bridge to Hi Lo Grocery . The day they scattered Carl Sandburg's ashes around remembrance rock. There are many memories I recall. Not all of them good, but certainly not all bad. Most of all I remember all of the friends I made. I think about what Richard Dreyfuss says in Stand By Me " YOU WILL NEVER HAVE FRIENDS LIKE YOU HAVE WHEN YOU ARE 12 YEARS OLD" I really think that is true.Even though we have been gone from Galesburg for 33 years, I often still think about all the people that touched our lives while we were there. I have not been back to Galesburg since I was 13 but one day I want to go back and just get out on the street, start walking and see if I can find anything. There may be nothing left that I remember but I still have the memories. So I say thank you Mother Burg for the memories.

Deborah Smith Harrell

Cedartown, Georgia


From: Sandy Anderson (Robbins)

Email: CAnILCHAMP@aol.com

Date: Mon, 18 Sep 2000

Subject: Mother Burg....

Dear Mother Burg:

This is great! I just happened on to this as I was trying to find news of home, which is Galesburg. My parents moved to Galesburg when I was in the third grade. I went to Mary Allen West School, Churchill, and GHS, I remember the transition from the old high school to the new one. I remember the Streaks going to State, don't remember what place they took, but the excitement, and the crowds welcoming them back, has been one of my fondest memories. I remember the library burning.The Friday nights when my girlfriends and I would walk uptown, thru the court house lawn. It was safe to so then.The Golden Cream Dairy where lots of kilds would go for Icecream,or a green river. I remember the Lincoln Douglas debates.And the fun my friends and I had just being a part of it. The Steak 'n' Shake, and cruising the strip. So many things that were so much fun. The brick streets, and the smell of Fall.All my memories are not good, I made some bad choices when I was young and I carried them with me for so many years. Only to find out that I was not alone, I surely was not the only one who made wrong choices.But overall the memories are mostly good, and the rest can be chalked up to life experiences.We moved to California nine years ago, and believe me life is different here. We did not exactly move by choice ( another story). Some day plan on moving back. This is great weather, and as my husband has severe arthritis, it is great for him. We miss the quiet, and the space. The changing seasons. When we visit Galesburg, my grandson can't see enough of the trains. All of our families live either in Galesburg or the surrounding areas. Altona, Wataga, Oneida. It's great to know that I can now keep up with things back there. Thanks Zephyr.

Sandy Anderson (Robbins)


From: Pete & TJ Nilles

Email: wilnill@frontiernet.net

Date: Tue, 19 Sep 2000

Subject: Letter to Mother Burg....

Dear Mother Burg: This letter is more of a tribute to the elderly folks of Galesburg. My grandmother, Waustella Dooley, was a big part of Galesburg. Ask anyone of the "yester year" and they undoubtly have heard of her. She had a beauty school in downtown Galesburg. Waustella worked very hard to bring cosmetology to a new, appreciated height. Back in the "good ol' days," being a hairdresser was no better than being a maid, or any other laboring job. But she was a founding member of the state cosmetology association (I can't recall it's name now). She was a genuine "ball buster" as a teacher. Her students were going to be good; she'd make sure of that. I remember how agonizing the decision to sell her school to Carl Sandburg College was. She and my grandpa, Ozzie, weighed all the pros and cons. But finally did sell to the college -- becoming the first head of the cosmotology department. She was the original "Mrs. D." But, now at almost 87 yrs. old. People don't look at her with the respect she deserves. People see this short, little old lady who is too perfect for her own good, and can really annoy them. They don't see all the work and effort she puts into keeping her home. So, when you are out running errands, or in a hurry to get home. Take time to look at the "old" folks that are shopping or whatever. Maybe even take time to say "hi." For they, too, used to be in a hurry to get home, or needed to get their errands run in a timely manner. And if you see Waustella Dooley, or remember her from her teaching days, take the time to say "hi." You can't miss her- she may be little, but she can be very mighty.


From: Sandy Anderson (Robbins)

Email: CAnILCHAMP@aol.com

Date: Mon, 18 Sep 2000

Subject: Mother Burg....

Dear Mother Burg:

This is great! I just happened on to this as I was trying to find news of home, which is Galesburg. My parents moved to Galesburg when I was in the third grade. I went to Mary Allen West School, Churchill, and GHS, I remember the transition from the old high school to the new one. I remember the Streaks going to State, don't remember what place they took, but the excitement, and the crowds welcoming them back, has been one of my fondest memories. I remember the library burning.The Friday nights when my girlfriends and I would walk uptown, thru the court house lawn. It was safe to so then.The Golden Cream Dairy where lots of kilds would go for Icecream,or a green river. I remember the Lincoln Douglas debates.And the fun my friends and I had just being a part of it. The Steak 'n' Shake, and cruising the strip. So many things that were so much fun. The brick streets, and the smell of Fall.All my memories are not good, I made some bad choices when I was young and I carried them with me for so many years. Only to find out that I was not alone, I surely was not the only one who made wrong choices.But overall the memories are mostly good, and the rest can be chalked up to life experiences.We moved to California nine years ago, and believe me life is different here. We did not exactly move by choice ( another story). Some day plan on moving back. This is great weather, and as my husband has severe arthritis, it is great for him. We miss the quiet, and the space. The changing seasons. When we visit Galesburg, my grandson can't see enough of the trains. All of our families live either in Galesburg or the surrounding areas. Altona, Wataga, Oneida. It's great to know that I can now keep up with things back there. Thanks Zephyr.

Sandy Anderson (Robbins)


From: Todd Wilson

Email: EFD30R@aol.com

Date: Sat, 23 Sep 2000

Subject: Mother Burg....

Dear Mother Burg: I do enjoy the Zephyr online very much. I was born in the 'burg and my family moved to Santa Fe, NM in 1978. My family owned Hawthorn (Rexall) drugs on Main at the square and then were partners in Galesburg Family Pharmacies (by Cottage Hospital and anothe rlocation in the Bondi Building). I went to Bateman Elementary, Gale Middle, and Churchill Jr. High schools before moving here in the 9th grade. I would like to see more history about Galesburg, especially Civil War and railroad history. Do you know of a source for photos of Galesburg History? If anyone wants to contact me, the information is below, thank you! Go Silver Streaks!

Todd Wilson

Santa Fe, NM

e-mail: EFD30R@aol.com (or) todd.wilson@nmshtd.state.nm.us


From: Todd Wilson

Email: EFD30R@aol.com

Date: Sun, 1 Oct 2000

Subject: Mother Burg....

Dear Mother Burg: Galesburg, what to say. My family left Galesburg in 1979, moving to Santa Fe, New Mexico, where I still live. I remember the snail-shaped Grace Episcopal Chruch and the one where we went to before that church was built. I remember the trip to Six Flags on the Purple HOLY ROLLER bus, a fun, but long trip. I hve wondeful memories of midnight mass as well as other times at Grace. My family owned the Hawthorne Drug store on Main street near the square and LeGrand's gas station. In the 70s my father closed Hawthorns and opened Family Pharmacy accross from Cottage Hospital with another location in a office building downtown. My Grandfather (Cliff Carson) was an engineer for the CB&Q;railroad and actually took engine 3006, the city steam engine into its parking place beside the old Burlington Station. I went to Bateman Elementry, Gale Middle, and Churchill Jr. High School prior to moving. As I try my best to raise my own family now, I really wish that they had the benefit of growing up in Galesburg. The summers plying kick the can in Lincolnshire with the Eastman's, Wyatts, and others, and swimming at Lakelawn and Lake Storey during the day. I remember some of the best teachers I ever had -- Ms. Parks and Ms. Messmoore at Bateman, Mr. Davis, Ms. Seltzer, Mr. Bayless and our Principal, Mr. McBride and at Gale, and at Churchill Mr. Aldrich, (THE BEST CIVICS TEACHER ANYWHERE!), Coaches Mr. Bill & Bob and a teacher who I only remember as Carla.I remember some wonderful friends: Faye Alps from Abingdon, Brian Davidson, Liz Lowery, Susann Brown, and others too numerous too mention. I also remember some of the kids who gave me a hard time as I was growing up, and have just two words for them. THANK YOU. Learning to deal with you made me better at dealing with other 'problems' in life. A special Thank You to Mr. Jan Stegall who worked as a tutor for me for a year, and his help was more valuable than any one could tell at the time. I remember riding the snowmobile in the winter and going down a hill in Lincoln Park on a "flying Saucer" that was by the horseshoe pits. Mostly, what I miss about Galesburg is, well, Galesburg. I can't explaine it with words, have tried and failed with my wife, but you know what I mean. There is something about those brick streets, catching "craw-daddy's" in the creek, being forced by your parents to de-tassel corn, fishing off the interstate bridge into the lagoon at Lake Storey, "sledding", and Joe the Pro at Bunker Links. Galesburg was a wonderful place to grow up. I am the only member of my family left in Santa Fe (the rest are in Albuquerque, Dallas, Chicago and a little town called Mora) and maybe that makes the memories seem that much better. All I can say is I really do miss Galesburg, most especially the values that living there forced upon me and continue to shape my life to this day. Seems to me the only thing Galesburg needs is some moutains, but then one town can't have EVERYTHING, now can it? Would not be fair to the other towns.

Todd Wilson

Santa Fe, NM


From: Jerry Adair

Email: jadair@cartermotor.com

Date: Thu, 5 Oct 2000

Subject: Missing G'burg

Dear Mother Burg:

Great memories of the fair city. Grove Theater, West Theater. The Pavilion at Lake Storey, Sears Farm Store. But most of all my friends. Gary Sundell, Larry Barrowman, Mel Horst, Duane White. Cokie LaFollette, Jack Grady, Jim Shehan, Raleigh Barnstead and many others fromo2;e early 50s. Sandy Soderquist, Caroline Alps, Linda Law... They used to have a March of Dimes collection and people would put their money on 2 x 4s supported by saw horses, nobody even considered taking those coins. The great fights at Golden Cream Dairy and the YMCA, Club 19. OT Johnson's drove Bergners right out of town. And those great Christmas windows. Does anybody remember the State Theatre? Wow that was a real dump. Ditchem and chalk the corners, Coach Ray Fritsch, two Steak n Shakes. The world's largest spreading elm tree at Lombard Jr. High School and Old Main. Neat place to sneak into. I left town in 1954 and continue to look back. When I was calling on Maytag I would haunt all of the antique shops. My weekend retreat home in Ottawa on the Illinois river has many goodies from Galesburg. You have a great town and many's the time I want to return. Can one ever return? I hope so. My wife is a lawyer and when she is about ready to retire we may sell our home in Freeport and move back to Galesburg and live between Ottawa and Galesburg. I still follow Silver Streak sports and still lust for a state basketball title.Anybody wants to talk, email: fntnpn@yahoo.com.

See ya soon.

Jerry Adair

Freeport, Ill.


From: Mary Beth Metz

Email: MBMetz@lmus.leggmason.com

Date: Wed, 18 Oct 2000

Subject: Memories

Dear Mother Burg:

I've been reading the letters that have been submitted but never have taken the time to respond. I grew up in G'burg on Matthews Street. I went to Weston, Lombard and GHS. I graduated in 1963. I now live in Baltimore but think back on the years in G'burg with fondness. I remember hot chocolate at the Steak n Shake on the way home from Lombard JHS. I remember movies at Lake Bracken. The A&W;rootbeer stand. Tenderloin sandwiches -- these are something that just don't exist here. Movies at the West, Orpheum and Grove. OT Johnson's and their fresh made donuts. The loose meat sandwiches (before Roseanne). Going to the Golden Cream after church on Sundays. The smell of bread from the Wonderbread bakery. I can only remember those days as being the best of times. I would like to hear from anyone in G'burg who might remember me.

MaryBeth Metz

GHS 1963


From: Brenda Miles - Martinez

Email: brenda@axs4u.net

Date: Sat, 28 Oct 2000

Subject: home

Hi Galesburg: Wow, I saw some familiar names here. I was born in Galesburg and lived there for 19 years. I remember walking from one end of town to the other, knowing at least one person on each street. The world is a much different place now, Im saddened to realize that my children will not know the freedoms that I did as a child growing up. I'm sure part of that had to do with being in Galesburg, part just the times. I have fond memories of working at the Henderson St. McDonalds and cruising the strip. Friends gathering in Aldi's parking lot or on the square. I made great true friends there. Learned a multitude of life lessons. I miss Railroad Days and the Knox County Fair. Wandering aimlessly through the mall for hours on a weekend. Learning to drive on the 4th St. bridge! That I will never forget. No life is without hard times and I guess the ones we endure as children hurt the worst and stay the longest, I had those times too in Galesburg, but I also remember being so proud to win a "What's right with Galesburg" essay in 3rd grade and having my picture in the paper for a school project and winning my school spelling bee. Its all what you want to make of it. I didnt make friends with everybody, but it wasnt for a lack of trying.I am happy to see so many of you are doing well. If my name rings a bell to any of you feel free to email me at . I wish the best for all of you.

Brenda Miles - Martinez (GHS 1988)


From: Michael Figwer

Email: Michael.Figwer@mbc-law.com

Date: Sat, 11 Nov 2000

Subject: Memories

Dear Galesburg:

Twenty one years ago I had the fortune to be one of two AFS (American Field Service) exchange students in Galesburg. Yes, I was a member of the GHS class of '79. How dearly I would have liked to have returned for the 20th year reunion last year. Work commitments prevented it. I fell upon this site by chance. I was searching material on the Presidential election, thought I would look up the Chicago Tribune, thought I would look up Galesburg, lo and behold! I had the very great luck of being hosted by the Pinkham family of Pine Street. If anyone reading this knows Marion, Karen, John, Julie or Jim remember me to them. The history of my correspondence with them is sketchy to say the least (and for some years now, non-existent). I was lucky to have had some good friends whilst I was an exchange student and numerous wonderful memories of my time in Galesburg. If anyone who remembers me (!?) happens upon this letter I would love to know about the people I knew and their experiences in the last 20 years. The site has rekindled many memories, almost exclusively, fond ones. My best wishes to all in Galesburg

Michael A J Figwer

Meister Belperio Clark

mail to: majf@mbc-law.com

389 King William Street

Adelaide SA 5000

Tel: 8212 1322 Fax: 8212 2114


From: Jamie (Johnson) Ziegler

Email: JamieZieg@aol.com

Date: Thu, 23 Nov 2000
Subject: Galesburg Memories

Hello Mother Burg, What a nice trip down memory lane. My spouse teases me often of my Galesburg memories and fondness. Something extravagant or extraordinary (or even everyday simple things) will be mentioned by someone and I'll hear, "I suppose those were invented in Galesburg too?" And often times I'll have a story about how the first Rueben sandwich was served at the Hotel Custer or how I think I remember that Bacon Bits were introduced through the R&D;at the soy bean factory on South Henderson Street -- and we tasted them during a tour that our Brownie troop made...or maybe how most of the big names on stage played at the Orpheum since the rail road stopped there on the way to Chicago and someone was bright enough to capture the possibilities of having them play for us before they went on to their "real" destinations. Like many other writers I read some familiar names in the posts -- Chris Curtis and Amy Smith were a year behind me in school, but I remember them from Prairie Players and from art classes. I also remember the teen center at the YMCA and the Nelson twin's older brother playing there. I'm surprised any of us can remember much specific from those playgrounds. What I am most surprised about is reading the entire post and no one mentioning Nelson's Confectionary on the corner of North Street and Monroe. Pearl and Ed ran the store for almost 70 years so I know a lot of you must have gone there. I did, my parents did when they were little kids and my own kid did too. When I went to Knox I discovered that a lot of students from out of town even considered Nelson's a ritual experience. I could write volumes of memories from things that happened in and around that store. A couple of weeks ago my mom was down from Galesburg visiting us and we went over to Dennis Nelson's to visit with his mom, Pearl. Pearl retired a few years ago after fracturing her hip and moved down here to Belleville, Illinois where she lives with her only child, Dennis who is also retired. She is walking without assistance and her mind is sharp. We reminisced about a lot of folks -- probably some of you -- at our visit. Pearl is afraid of falling again and breaking a hip which she thinks might do her in next time so she never goes out. Dennis says he's given up trying to convince her to get out. Until mom came to visit me I didn't realize they only lived a few blocks from me. If anyone would like to send a letter to Pearl email it to me and I'll take it over and read it to her. Your letters with memories of Nelson's will give her a lot to talk about and help keep her mind strong. One of my favorite gifts last year was from my Jennifer who bought a lot of stuff from the store's auction and gave me one of those silver snow-cone holders that Pearl would put the paper cup in as she scraped the ice block while making us those five cent snow cones -- and if you lived on the L.T. Stone side of Henderson street and had one of us Johnson girls buying you a snow cone after lunch -- I will confess -- you probably got 80% real snow after we ate down your purchase and then used the straw to mix the syrup into the snow for your treat! ;-) (another thing to cross off my list)
Happy Holidays
Jamie (Johnson) Ziegler
and some people do change--thank god/hp


From: Ron Johnson

Email: desj@mstar2.net
Date: Wed, 6 Dec 2000
Subject: Galesburg Public Library Fire

This would make a great "series". Friday night, 1958?....water shortage due to reduced well capacities. It started in the 3rd floor ventilation fan. The Galesburg Fire Dept. did not have enought water pressure to put it out....it destroyed 90% of the books, including all of Carl Sandburg's original studies/works on Lincoln. The library was then moved to South Cherry with the few books salvaged. This disaster resulted in laying the water line from Galesburg to the Mississippi river. I have personal accounts of going into my father's business..."Gorham & Johnson" to retrieve his records and billiing because it appears the whole "square" might become engulfed in the fire. David Feldman who owned the "Galesburg News Agency" was on he roofs just north of the library to hose down the roofs so as not to become engulfed in the flames. I know first hand accounts of those studying on a Friday night on the third floor to verify the lack of water pressure. (Lowell Peterson...) That night we took a ride to cool off and noticed all of the residents watering their lawns and washing their cars, despite the edict from Galesburg City Council not to use any unneeded water. We thought the bright sky was from the downtown stores being open (only) on Friday nights, but then we could actually see the flames in the sky. What a shame.

Ron Johnson
Brigham City, UT

From: Steve Harlan-Marks
Email: sharla@splkpark.k12.mn.us
Date: Wed, 13 Dec 2000
Subject: What a cool idea this is.

Last night, my wife and I were dusting and she asked me if I knew where a particular planter had come from. It's a Push me Pull you (Remember "Dr. Doolittle"?) and after a minute I concluded it had come from The Calico Cat in Galesburg. She agreed. Before long, we were recalling the Galesburg Renaissance that had brought The Packinghouse and Lullaby Dad's to town. Today, tired of grading papers, I decided to surf a bit and went looking for a Galesburg newpaper via the Internet Public Library site and low and behold found this opportunity to share and connect in cyberspace with former inhabitants of The Burg.

I taught English at Galesburg HS from 1975-1979, spent a year in graduate school (ISU), and have lived in Minneapolis ever since. Like many of you, I have lots of memories from my Galesburg days (Does anyone remember when GHS students referred to then-assistant principal Bob Hecht as "Secret Squirrel"?) but as I was merely an interloper, I have neither the rich history nor original connections most writers can offer.

I would love to hear from any of my former students who remember me in a good way. Likewise, any teachers whose years at GHS overlapped with mine.

Steve Harlan-Marks
Minneapolis, Minn.

From: Dale Wayne Carroll
Email: dwcarroll@hotmail.com
Date: Wed Dec 27, 2000
Subject: I remember and do miss galesburg!!!

I was born there in Galesburg in 1955 at St. Mary's Hospital.......Started 1st grade at Hitchcock es with Miss Green as my teacher and continued at both churchill and lombard jr hi...... I went 10th grade at GHS.....where I then moved with my family to virginia in 1972...I there graduated 1974 Indian River high class... Time and life goes on from that time ......and now I'm living in N.C....about 45 miles form where I graduated.

Just wanted to see if anyone rememders me from that time in there life.......I do remember and sometimes do miss Galesburg a lot and I am thinking about returning to live there again.

Thanks for your time

Dale Wayne Carroll

Send a Letter To Mother Burg

Read the Letters to Mother Burg written in 1998
Read the Letters to Mother Burg written in 1999
Read the Letters to Mother Burg written in 2001
Read the Letters to Mother Burg written in 2002
Read the Letters to Mother Burg written in 2003
Read the Letters to Mother Burg written in 2004
Read the Letters to Mother Burg written in 2005

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