News from The Zephyr
Even older stories are in our archives

Parking poses problems: City code could cripple courthouse construction by Mike Kroll

We're going to break this spell by Peter Schwartzman and Bruce Weik

Dorothea Tanning at 100 by Paulette Thenhaus

Courthouse Choices: A look at the Alternatives (parts I and II) by Mike Kroll

Pets and Petty People by Mike Kroll

The surprising Aaron Schock by Mike Kroll

What Mother Bickerdyke did during the Civil War by Barbara Schock

It isn't easy being Green: party's gubernatorial hopeful Rich Whitney stops by by Mike Kroll

Independent candidate's petitions challenged: When is a binding binding? by Mike Kroll

Politics, Pizza and Promises:Bobby Schilling running for Congress by Mike Kroll

Katfish ponders: A true crime blogger in the burg by Mike Kroll

Meet Kirk Dillard: The frontrunning Republican candidate for Governor by Mike Kroll

Meet Dan Proft: A Revolutionary Republican candidate for Governor by Mike Kroll

The unstoppable Aaron Schock by Norm Winick

Double Trouble for Don: Moffitt faces opposition this time by Mike Kroll

The Rise and Fall of Central Church by Gayle Keiser

Former Chancellor: Clout tarnishing image of University of Illinois by Norm Winick

The neverending lawsuit: Galesburg vs. the billboard company by Mike Kroll

I gave at the office: non-profits pay profitable salaries by Mike Kroll

Of trains and toys and toy trains by Norm Winick

Patrick Fitzgerald: Maximum Prosecutor in Galesburg by Norm Winick

Consultants grab big bucks by Norm Winick

The fall of Circuit City: a Journal by Jon Gallagher

At the Obama Inauguration by Norm Winick

Leonard Spicher seeks a new trial by Mike Kroll

Counting Pennies: the Penny Parade continues even though the Sandburg site is closed by Karen S. Lynch

At the Obama Inauguration by Norm Winick

Knox County Nursing Home responds to bad rating by Mike Kroll

Local group trying to "reopen" Galesburg's Sandburg site by Karen S. Lynch and Norm Winick

An indirect approach to economic development by Mike Kroll

Not (Welcome) in Our Town by Mike Kroll

A Call to Action: Poverty in Knox County (Download the full report as a pdf file)

The case against having a special election for Senate by Norm Winick

Bankruptcy 101: a renowned bankruptcy attorney discusses what it holds for The Tribune Company and the auto industry by Mike Kroll

What hath Rod wrought?: some observations on the Rod Blagojevich arrest by Norm Winick

Bones about it: Recent Knox grad invents tool to revolutionize knee replacement surgery by Mike Kroll

Remembering Vonnie Tabb by Norm Winick

The First Armistice Day in Galesburg by Barbara Schock

The Red Cross Flag: WWI Souvenir Still Hangs in Courthouse by Barbara Schock

The Obama-Lincoln Trail by Norm Winick

Greg Bacon elected Knox County Board Chair by Mike Kroll

Remembering Phil Haring by Bob Seibert

Candidates lining up for April 2009 Consolidated elections

Economic development for the rest of us by Norm Winick

Desperately seeking leadership by Mike Kroll and Norm Winick

Healing healthcare: Knox County Health Department makes a difference by Karen S. Lynch

Obamanomics vs. McCainonomics by Steve Cohn

Crime in Galesburg: not so bad by Mike Kroll

To judge and be judged: Jim Standard and Paul Mangieri running for Circuit Judge by Mike Kroll and Norm Winick

Report From the Democratic and Republican National Conventions by Norm Winick

The Black Earth Film Festival -- two weekends in September by Mike Kroll

Flying a Stearman as a hobby by Mike Kroll

40 years ago: The 1968 Democratic National Convention by Mike Kroll

Congressman Phil Hare reports from Iraq by Karen S. Lynch

Springfield budget mess puts historic sites in jeopardy by Norm Winick

Zephyr buys Register-Mail (or at least some of its stock) by Norm Winick

Alexi Giannoulias: State Treasurer in the crossfire by Norm Winick

Scrabblers meet in Orlando for National title by Peter Schwartzman

17-count indictment read against Nicholas Sheley by Mike Kroll

Nicholas Sheley's Bloody Trail by Mike Kroll

Murdered Galesburg man in path of alleged spree killer Nicholas Sheley by Mike Kroll

Galesburg orthopedic surgeon discusses improvements in hip resurfacing/replacement by Norm Winick

Perpetual Motions: the cases against John Pepmeyer keep on keeping on by Mike Kroll

GM derailed Galesburg's streetcar system by Norm Winick

$1,200 a page special audits reveal little by Mike Kroll

Madeleine Albright at Knox College by Norm Winick

Back from Southwest Asia (AKA The Middle East) by John Ring

Tim Kasser and the Pursuit of Happiness by Norm Winick

National Railroad Hall of Fame buys land -- but won't be using it by Mike Kroll

Galesburg's greatest tragedy: the Public Library fire 50 years ago by Norm Winick

Memorial Day 1908 by Barbara Schock

Family blames "system" for death of their son by Karen S. Lynch

Damned by success: The Galesburg Fire Department dilemma by Mike Kroll

Tasking Poverty by Karen S. Lynch

2007 tax bills: early and higher despite lower rates by Mike Kroll

Opaque transparency: the unexamined financial state of Galesburg by Mike Kroll

Blackboard accounting: examining District #205's finances by Mike Kroll

The honeymoon is over: time for Dane Bragg to chart a new course by Mike Kroll

Hemingway and Sandburg: two literary giants come together in Galesburg by Karen S. Lynch

Dorothea Tanning: artist from Galesburg by Lynn McKeown

National Railroad Hall of Fame concept matures by Mike Kroll

Retail recruitment: boon or boondoggle? by Mike Kroll

New water plant for Galesburg with a river view by Mike Kroll

Congressman Phil Hare talks trade agreements by Karen S. Lynch

Silence is golden -- and costs as much by Mike Kroll

The Payne of poverty by Jim Jacobs

Lombard Gym should be saved by Gary Tomlin

The science of potholes by Mike Kroll

Super Tuesday results -- local and national by Mike Kroll

First Courthouse audit results appear by Mike Kroll

Buckle on the Corn Belt: Galesburg an All America City (50 years ago) by Mike Kroll

Inside an actual Iowa caucus by Norm Winick

Burlington inundated by Presidential candidates by Mike Kroll

Customer disservice: Galesburg style by Mike Kroll

Clark E. Carr: A Galesburger among royalty by Lynn McKeown

Uninsured Americans at record levels byKaren S. Lynch

Meet Dr. Arnold? Illinois Director of Public Health in Galesburg by Mike Kroll

Public action key to creating Knox County Health Department -- 15 years ago by Caroline Porter

Caroline Porter reflects on serving Knox County by Karen S. Lynch

Ghost Hunters by Bob Bainter

Galesburg's Black Friday: The day five years ago when Maytag announced "We're leaving" by Karen S. Lynch and Bob Sheehan

Attorney General Lisa Madigan clears John Pepmeyer of Criminal charges by Mike Kroll

Reality check: The 2008 Galesburg Budget by Mike Kroll

The Fifth Town: Galesburg and World War II by Mike Kroll

Too much bounty for the bins by Mike Kroll

The vaccination "conspiracy" by Mike Kroll

The mystery of Galesburg's Five Points Depot by Bill Franckey

Jim McConoughey covets Ray LaHood's open Congressional seat by Norm Winick

The Wild, Wild East: I still don't get Russia by Mary Bruce

D.C. antiwar protest unfulfilling by Mike Gordon

Dave Clague: New Sheriff in Town by Mike Kroll

Katrina: Southern Mississippi two years later by Eleanor Cissy Jordan

Cesar Suarez is Galesburg's first jobs czar by Mike Kroll

Shipyard on the Prairie: LSTs built in central Illinois by Barbara Schock and Mike Kroll

Stone-Hayes Center for Independent Living gives a hand-up by Karen S. Lynch

Nurturing local business is another economic development approach by Mike Kroll

Galesburg Maytag facility being partially demolished by Karen S. Lynch

Tortoise-like pace of Congrsss doesn't slow Phil Hare down by Mike Kroll

Mark Thomas: Coroner moonlighting as Knox County Sheriff by Mike Kroll

Logistics Park Galesburg: The Infomercial by Mike Kroll

Phil Hare and Ray LaHood: Crossing the aisle to cross the rails by Karen S. Lynch

A mixed tale of Galesburg property sales by Mike Kroll

Congressman Phil Hare keeping promises to veterans by Karen S. Lynch

President Mauri Ditzler and a rapidly growing Monmouth College by Norm Winick & Dick Crockett

Bank "error" in your favor: Galesburg finances way in the black by Mike Kroll

Wind farms could be newest cash crop in Knox County by Mike Kroll

STDs running rampant: the troubling truth of teen sexuality by Mike Kroll

Former governor Dan Walker makes one last trip back to Illinois by Norm Winick

Ella Park Lawrence: Mother of the Illinois Flag by Barbara Schock

Farm subsidies: welfare for the wealthy? by Mike Kroll

Janet McKinley and Oxfam America: banking on the world's poor by Mike Kroll

Five months into the Dane Bragg era by Mike Kroll

Turmoil in the Knox County State's Attorney's office

EEOC complaint filed against State's Attorney by Norm Winick

The meat of the matter: Pepmeyer responds to sexual harassment charges by Mike Kroll

Igniting a scandal: the state of the State's Attorney's office by Mike Kroll

Path to prosecutor: John Pepmeyer's road to the Courthouse by Mike Kroll

ATM bandits unprosecuted: escaping justice Knox County style by Mike Kroll


State's Attorney mea culpa by Mike Kroll

Fiasco in the courthouse: we don't know what we don't know by Norm Winick

Journalistic responsibility by Mike Kroll

Meet the triumphant trio: three new Aldermen for Galesburg by Mike Kroll

Radio's local renaissance by Mike Kroll

Congressman Phil Hare addresses area poverty by Karen S. Lynch

The spy who went through Knox College: Robert Hanssen by Neil Alan Richter

Ameren spells relief by Mike KrollGalesburg gets on board The Big Read with Grapes of Wrath by Karen S. Lynch

Blood work: volunteering from the heart by Mike Kroll

Barack Obama announces for President in Springfield by Mike Kroll

The Galesburg City Budget 2007, delusion vs. reality by Mike Kroll

Dane Bragg takes over: meet Galesburg's new City Manager by Mike Kroll

The show goes on: Orpheum Theatre looks for new manager and black ink by Mike Kroll

Is our children learning: No Child Left Behind, help or hindrance? by Karen S. Lynch

Reflections of a 20-year drug career, parts I & II by Bruce Weik

Briefing the new City Manager by Mike Kroll
A 'Burger in Beijing by Mike Kroll
Pension theft and lies by Maytag and others by Karen S. Lynch
The reality of utility deregulation by Mike Kroll
Space: an improbable future frontier by Mike Kroll
Can those train whistles be muzzled? by Mike Kroll
Democratic majority elects Republican County Board Chair by Mike Kroll
Cultivating Chinese collaboration by Mike Kroll
"The system is broken" -- Assessor Darrell Lovell by Mike Kroll
Will a new building solve County space needs? by Mike Kroll
Candidates for Regional Superintendent speak out by Mike Kroll
Two tax proposals die quickly by Mike Kroll
Microsoft sues The Computer Shop of Galesburg for software piracy by Mike Kroll
Snakes on a Plane: Internet fuels film frenzy by Mike Kroll
Galesburg police pounce on Ponce: stumble onto major drug bust by Mike Kroll
National Railroad Hall of Fame looks to others for funding -- including taxpayers by Mike Kroll
IDOT study indicates Galesburg police may be using racial profiling in traffic stops by Mike Kroll
GREDA: The Greg Mangieri era begins by Mike Kroll
BNSF and Lt. Governor Pat Quinn proprose high-speed Internet access for rural areas by Mike Kroll
Phil Hare: candidate for Congress running as the liberal he is by Mike Kroll
Comedy Central's Stephen Colbert delivers the commencement address at Knox College: Read the entire speech (cleaned up a little)
Jimmy Wales of Wikipedia™ and Ambassador Shirley Barnes also awarded honorary degrees by Mike Kroll
Protecting freedom the NRA way by Mike Kroll
Democrats meet in Galesburg to nominate candidates for Congress by Dave Roknich
Mother Bickerdyke monument is 100 years old by Barbara Schock and Paulette Thenhaus
Immigration is a local issue in Galesburg by Mike Kroll
Galesburg Police Chief John Schlaf takes Director of Security post at Knox College by Mike Kroll
Meet the folks trying to replace Lane Evans on the ballot by Norm Winick
Was the bar poll fixed?: Attorneys question Ninth Circuit results by Mike Kroll
Red Cross looks to catch next stage: bank calls mortgage by Mike Kroll
Taking a Chance on health: 13 years of the Knox County Health Department by Mike Kroll
Election mechanics more controversial than results by Mike Kroll
Teacher, broker, milkman, governor? Jim Oberweis visits the Burg by Mike Kroll
The O.T. Johnson fire: blazing into Galesburg history by Mike Kroll
Meet Ted Kooser, the U. S. Poet Laureate by Norm Winick
Questions and answers about Fair Housing laws in Illinois and Galesburg
Signs. signs, everywhere signs -- and one is out of place by Mike Kroll
A look at the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library by John Ring
John Miller challenging Robin Davis for County Treasurer
Committed to committees: will reverting to old County Board structure improve things? by Mike Kroll
Chair pulled out from, under Marty Cohen at CUB by Mike Kroll
Farmer friendly taxation by Mike Kroll
County officials almost assured of second terms by Mike Kroll
Roger Taylor settling in as Knox College president by Norm Winick
Will Paul play in Peoria?: Mangieri slated for State Treasurer by Mike Kroll
This is what Democracy looks like: reflections on the September 24, 2005 Peace March in Washington by Steve Cohn
Everything's changing in the world of bankruptcy by Mike Kroll
It's Gary Smith's town now. Mayor reflects on first few months in office by Mike Kroll
Sutech: Chinese lawnmower maker moves to Galesburg by Mike Kroll
Galesburg prepares to receive Katrina survivors by Mike Kroll
Clipping an angel's wings -- Cathy White tells her story by Mike Kroll
Free Frank's New Philadelphia gets its national recognition by Norm Winick
The strange case of Cheryl Tiegs and Steven Kilpatrick -- more sad than newsworthy by Mike Kroll
Out of the darkness -- why I walked 20 miles by Jim Melvin
Sexual trauma in the military by Les Winick
Gayle Keiser quitting Knox County Board... moving to Springfield
Is Sanitary District flushing economic development efforts? by Mike Kroll
Head Start workers vote on union by Mike Kroll
Barack Obama energizes Knox College graduates by Gayle Keiser
Head Start workers vote on union by Mike Kroll
KCAP forced to move by Mike Kroll
Frederick Weber: Galesburger memorialized at Midway by Lynn McKeown
Schools and taxes: how does Illinois rank? by Mike Kroll
No more Raymonds left on the air by Mike Kroll
Gordon Walberg -- liberator from Galesburg by Mike Kroll
Chinese look to invest in Galesburg analysis by Mike Kroll
Galesburg Superintendent Neil Sappington takes job with Illinois State University by Mike Kroll and Norm Winick
Head Start workers look to union by Mike Kroll
The men who might be Pope by Steven Shea
Mr. Smith topples Mayor Bob by Mike Kroll
Utility changes abuzz by Mike Kroll
Sheltered from reality: catfights at the Knox County Humane Society by Mike Kroll
Deadly climax: the secrets behind AeA by Mike Kroll
Galesburg flyer remembered in France by Norm Winick
Maytag strikes again: wants property value lowered by Mike Kroll
Alleged serial killer Larry Bright has a Knox County past by Norm Winick
Galesburg residency rule rescinded by Mike Kroll
Candidates line up for municipal election by Mike Kroll
Problems plague pipeline by Mike Kroll
Meet Marianne Wiesen, new administrator of the Knox County Nursing Home by Norm Winick
Four ballots later, Jan Occhi elected Knox County Board chair by Norm Winick
The sixth floor: a visit to Oswald's lair by John Ring
HB750 & Tax Reform: Going well beyond the school funding debate by Mike Kroll
Halo2: Worth the wait by Patrick Kennedy
A tale of two elections:Few glitches in Knox County voting but intimidation nearby in Peoria by Mike Kroll and Brian Gawor
Knox County voting technology enters the 21st Century by Norm Winick and Mike Kroll
With FEMA in Florida by Evelyn Swanson
Hollow Tree apartment complex gets $1 million value reduction: assessors blame each other
Spin City: St. Louis: the view from the debate spin room
BNSF to move jobs to Galesburg from Burlington
Black Earth Film Festival Premieres
The land of make-believe: reporting from the Republican National Convention
Ryan St. Anne: Controversial priest responds to critics
Lane Evans battling both Bush and Zinga
Mangieri to Maytag: "Pay Up!": State's Attorney threatens to sue firm for $1.2 million
Local scholar not sold on Andrea Zinga's proposed constitutional amendment by Norm Winick
The Boston 'D' Party: reporting from the 2004 Democratic Convention
Woman claims police brutality
Andrea Zinga brings in the big guns to help her beat Lane Evans
Marlon Brando remembered
"Galesburg: Capital of the Burlington Railroad": new video produced locally
Take a look at the renovated pavilion, beach and waterslide at Lake Storey.
Take a look at an architect's drawing of the new Knox County Jail.
Construction is progressing ahead of schedule. We'll post pictures regularly so you can watch its progress.
31 October 2001: The first precast cells are put in place.
14 November 2001: Cells keep arriving by flatbed truck.
25 November 2001: Cells are placed on the other side of the pod.
21 January 2002: Cell blocks are taking shape inside.
21 January 2002: Cells are spartan inside.
11 May 2002: Cell blocks are almost ready for doors and electronics.
11 August 2002: The outside is now painted and the main entrance is taking shape
15 October 2002: The main entrance is ready and the parking lot is paved
2 November 2002: Tables are ready in a cellblock dayroom
2 November 2002: Flat-screens are used to monitor locks and cameras
2 November 2002: They also show the images used for video visiting
Take a look at the new Wolf Covered Bridge.
They aren't building too many covered bridges these days, you know.

Marie Tarver: Galesburg High School's first Black teacher
Roger Callahan speaks out on his firing as Downtown Director
Orpheum Theatre on road to recovery
Diane Hutchins named new Galesburg High School principal
Tad Daley, Kucinich aide, in Galesburg
Does an Indian wearing a turban have achance in the Republican primary for Senate?
Two Republicans face off in County Clerk primary
Equality remains elusive: Benjamin Hooks recalls a lifetime quest for civil rights in America
BNSF Bugging out of Burlington
Major racetrack planned for Central Illinois
Champion or Chump: GREDA buys itself an award
In Iowa for John Edwards: a caucus diary by Dave Campbell
Democracy in America starts in Iowa: one caucus close up
Officials question Nursing Home's $5M project
Frontrunner: Monmouth firm develops 2004 election simulation game
Butler Mfg. and union disagree over contract reopening
Community Health Systems agrees to buy Galesburg Cottage Hospital
Job Flight: a nationwide problem by Jason Johnston
Two years after: Galesburg firefighter revisits Ground Zero
Skipping Sharon Stone
Eric Stisser: Selling the Rams in St. Louis
Big plans to reroute railroad out of town
Our man in Baghdad: Rich Miller reports
Part I: Fadia's fears, nation's tears
Part II: Americans are disappearing Iraqis
Part III: Right way, wrong way
Send in the Clown: Gallagher in Galesburg and takes on NAFTA, Maytag
City Manager Gary Goddard looks at Galesburg's financial future
Upgrades needed to locks and dams on the Mississippi
The 2003 Best of The Burg winners
Unsafe at any speed: workers question locomotive remote controls in Galesburg BNSF yard
Can Head Start survive George W.?
The Madison Regatta: Best of the old and new
Esther vs. Goliath: Eight feet of controversy
Cottage Hospital downgraded by Moody's
The E-911 system racks up income and expenses
Knox County looks at MSI building to address space needs
Knox College Teach-In: Civil Liberties taking back seat to security

City of Monmouth on the way back
Economy dominates Yates City town meeting
Peace rally in Galesburg: today's peaceniks are grayer
Sewer problems at ne industrial park site
Township assessors eliminated in Knox County
Bob Johnson and the state of education in Knox County
Is the landfill space crisis over?
Incoming Galesburg School Superintendent Neil Sappington pepares to face a financial crunch
Candidates position themselves for the 2003 Municipal Election
Carl Sandburg College Prez talks about his school
Galesburg schools hit by budget crunch
Knox County election analysis
Maytag Galesburg Refrigeration Products plant closing. Thoughts on the devastating news from Norm Winick, Mike Kroll and Caroline Porter
Candidates projected savings figures in dispute
The Defiant Ones. Galesburg High School students take to the web to complain about their school.
What if they called a march and nobody came? We were there. Read two articles about Jesse Jackson's stealth march in Washington.
Galesburg approves amended contract for water sale to Monmouth
The Gentleman from Peoria: Congressman Ray LaHood stops by
Gubernatorial candidate Rod Blagojevich stumps in Galesburg
Not in Mr. Rogers' neighborhood any more: Head Start sues Knox County over Jail location
The Millions Dollar pistols -- and their Galesburg connection
Dynegy or Dimegy? by Terry Hogan
Jesse White: going after corruption that surrounds the Secretary of State
What's the right price for selling water? There are some interesting chart links at the end of this article.
Monmouth's Pipe Dream: Can the Maple city afford Galesburg water? Can Galesburg afford to sell it to them?
Follow the money: The PEO Home is gone but the legal dispute over the fund isn't
Galesburg by the numbers: Census Bureau releases demographic data
Galesburg's own community security unit established
Thoughts on the National March for Peace and Justice
Is Galesburg ready for a soccer complex?
The world according to Molly Ivins
Tax breaks for clubs could mean higher taxes for the rest of us
Meet Roger Taylor, not the interim president of Knox College any more
The Zephyr's look at local contested primary races:
  • State's Attorney Paul Mangieri learning his political lessons
  • David McCrery takes aim at Don Moffitt
  • Michael Willner, Insight's CEO, ready to negotiate
  • Galesburg and Insight, the cable company back to the drawing board
  • Meet Carl Hawkinson, local legislator running for Lt. Governor
  • Knox College awarded $1.5 million from Illinois FIRST towards Alumni Hall project
  • Radon and mold share the Court House basement with workers
  • Will the real David Letterman please stand up: I was "the guy in the audience who looks like me"
  • Galesburg firefighters pay their respects in New York
  • Is the anthrax scare overblown? Everything you always wanted to know about that deadly bacteria
  • Meet Anita Bizzotto: Knox alum in charge of marketing Postal Service
  • Local charities feel September 11th aftermath
  • Local attorney buys Jumer's Continental Inn
  • HeadStart questions jail location
  • Living History farm proposed for Western Illinois
  • There's a new plan to renew Knox College that proscribes academic and administrative changes
  • Maple Avenue mystery: who gets the old fire station?
  • Galesburg resident's taxes jump 246%; he's hot
  • Two lawyers, both alums, take the helm at Knox College
  • Indy's Market square arena imploded
  • Meet Roger Callahan, new Galesburg Downtown Director
  • Knox alum survives Nepal shootout
  • Model railroad tycoon Bruce Greenberg got his publishing start in Galesburg
  • County employees upset by slow negotiations
  • Board President Roger Taylor comments on Knox College President's resignation
  • Jodie Bernstein, nation's top cybercop, retires
  • Landslide Bob: Sheehan reelected Mayor
  • Meet Gary Harrison, new District #205 Superintendent
  • The spy who came through Galesburg
  • Galesburg tattoo artist draws them in
  • Galesburg Antique Mall closes indefinitely
  • Anti-death penalty activist charges ex-Governor G.W. Bush with murder
  • The family of Andrea Racibozynski has filed suit against Knox College
  • They're just telling lies. AT&T's $40,000 campaign of disinformation
  • Local skateboarders want respect... and a place to skate.
  • White House Chief of Staff John Podesta drops by.

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    Last updated September 18, 2010